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Kingston 1717 --

Edwards POV --

I stepped silently through the dark streets of Kingston, following the instructions that Mary ( James ) had told me in her letter almost four days ago. The sights of light indicated that dawn was fast approaching an it would be the fourth day! I had to know what Mary meant by 'Elizabeth is in grave danger.' I can't let her get hurt again... Or even worse. Die. No I can't think like that...

*Mary's letter*

** Edward,

I don't have a lot of time to explain so ill get straight to the point. I don't know what you feel for Elizabeth, but it is quite clear she has so many feelings for you. I can only hope yours are of the same nature. If so, you need to come to Kingston NOW. Elizabeth is in grave danger and I'm afraid she won't last another four days without our help. Meet me at The Sword Arms.

And Remember.

Nothing is true, everything is


Mary **

I swooped down from my perch on a church roof above a hay trailer and after impact i swiftly took off down several ally ways. Running in a slalom-like pattern, dodging many Templar guards.

I stopped dead in my tracks outside The Sword Arms catching my breath, feeling my chest rise and fall. I took a deep breath and reached for the handle, jerking it to the left and pushing it open.

I immediately spotted Mary's hunched over figure slightly slumped across the bar, gulping down some rum.

Right on cue, she turned around slowly, giving me a sorrowful look.

Her first words were "She's to be sent to the gallows" my face dropped and my heart throbbed..."Today." My mouth gaped open, unable to verbalise my words.

My pain and anger was making itself more prominent as I fidgeted in my spot, muscles tense, jaw clenched grinding my teeth together and my fists were coiled up in a tight ball.

"That son of a bitch!" I growled "this is William's doing isn't it?!" I questioned impatient for the answer. "he's doing this to get back at me for killing his so called 'lover'!" By now most people had left the pub, not wanting to get in a fight with me after seeing me punch a hole through the wooden door.

"LISTEN TO ME EDWARD!" she shook me by the shoulders snapping me back to reality "We can't let her down...She is not going to die... at least not today anyway." She smirked and pulled me closer and began talking of a plan...

------ Authors note ------

Hahaha :) I know I'm mean. It is a short chapter, but I want to make you wait a bit more hehe x THANK YOU GUYS for reading and voting, its much appreciated! please keep it up! Hope you enjoy

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