A new friend

495 20 11

Kingston 1717 --

Elizabeth's POV -

When I woke I could hear the quiet whispers coming from a cell opposite to mine. It wasn't yet morning outside so I suspected it to be around midnight.

"Oi lady???" It sounded again as my eyes fluttered open.

"Pssstt... Over here." It was a mellow, soft voice but had a harshness to it. I was still trying to decipher whether it was a man or a woman speaking but...

"Do you wanna get out of ere or not?"

I turned, swinging my legs over the side of what was meant to be a bed and searched for the body the voice belonged too.

"I see that got your attention.." Their body stepped from inside the shadows into the moons light. Their thick, black hair was slicked back into some kind of ponytail with a bright red headband across their forehead which had a few strands of hair braided with beads laying against it, swaying as they moved.

Their face wasn't that of a man due to lack of facial hair and not a prominent jawline but their body structure and body language suggested otherwise.

"Are you just gonna stare at me all day lass..." I Quickly averted my eyes downward away from the figure.

"Sorry." I whispered

"No need for apologies. Now do you wanna get out of here or not?" They asked, lightly pacing from one side of their cell to the other.

"Of course I do! I hate these fucking Templars, I can't believe I used to be...."

I stopped, halting my tongue, glaring at the body that was glaring back with startled eyes.

"I'm not like them! I deserted them, I was sent to kill somebody... but I couldn't do the job, I don't want to kill innocent people to gain power! I wish for everyone to be free"

I stopped awaiting a response

"We'll I'm glad to here that... I might just have had to kill you otherwise."

They smirked before clearing their throat "The names James... James Kidd. What's yours?"

I hesitated slightly before answering

"Pleasure to meet you, mines Elizabeth Smith." He smiled before nodding and getting into a deep thought.

I waited a minute before asking "Why are you locked up? I mean what did you do to make them lock you up?"

He snapped out of his daydream an look up at me in a fed up kind of way.

"I was ere, snooping around trying to find out some information on a man named Roberts... Know of him?" He asked as he folded his arms in annoyance.

*that name.... Roberts? Where had I heard it before.....*

His voice sounded again " We'll these bloody Templars are after the same guy, I was hopin to get his where-abouts, If it wasn't for the blasted branch that snapped Under my feet! That is how I ended up here..."

* Roberts... I know that name! Edward was after him those many months ago... But he's an assassin target in some respects. Is James an assassin? Does he know Edward?*

"Roberts you say? Yes I know of him. The assassins are after him aren't they, Edward was after him, are you an assassin?!?" I blurted it out all at once leaving James stunned at what I knew.

" Yes I am an assassin, but how do you know Edward? How did you come to know of Roberts? "

With that said we spent the early hours of the morning chatting about how I ended up there, how I knew Roberts and Edward and why I had left Edward the way I did.

We then began planning our escape.

------- Authors note -----

IM BACK from holiday! Sorry for all the speech in this part :/ it is similar in the next part which I have started to write :))))) happy days! Hope you enjoy, thanks for the votes and reads, much appreciated!

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