A mischevious escape

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Kingston 1717 --

Elizabeth's POV -

After a long debate, James and I had come to a decision of what we'd do for the plan. It would take place at night, when the new guard was on duty.

It felt like forever but It had soon become dark outside and the first patrol of our cells started to take place.

I leant against the cells walls, biting my lip in a mischievous way while James pretended to be asleep as the guard came towards our cells.

Just as we planned.

I leant against the cold steel, biting my lip and swaying my hips slightly as the guard came closer... I began to twirl a part of my hair around my finger leaning closer and closer in to the bars.

The guard, walked nearer my cell with a Cheshire Cat smile and began raising his eyebrows.

"Come join me in here, brave soldier..." EURGH I felt sick with the words "we could have a bit of fun in here, together, you and I..." I grinned fluttering my eyelashes at him.

The guard was trying to be wise and resist my temptations "I..I....I'm meant t..to be on duty..." He stuttered.

"Come on luv, don't deprive a lady of their....NEEDS." And with that the guard unlocked the cell before dashing inside, locking it again and began to stride towards me.
I launched myself at his vulgar body, wrapping my legs around his waist. Our lips clashing and his hands drifting relentlessly towards my arse and waist. The distraction gave me just enough time to reach around his waist for the keys and give James the warning sign that I had got them.

Before the guard knew it, I tossed the keys to the side, unlatching myself from his waist, kneeing him in the balls. I then continued by punching his left side of his cheekbone with my right hook, and then kneeing the bottom of his jaw sending him flying backwards to the stone floor. His helpless cry's could not be heard and with a final punch to the face he was out cold.

*If Edward could see me now, he would be smirking and laughing at the fact I could take on men independently... I miss him, his hazy eyes and blonde locks that whipped against my face when we kissed the other night... Just memory's now*

I sighed out loud as I snapped out of my daydream an stood over the body, I was gasping for breath when a sudden pain grew from my bruised/cracked ribs. I gripped my side containing the pain. Finally I looked up at James.

He looked rather stunned but had a devilish grin plastered on his face.
"Well played Elizabeth, now come get me out of this blasted cell!"

I hid the body in the shadows, before retrieving the keys from the far corner and unlocking mine and James' cells.
"Next stop, attire and weaponry." I smiled, glancing at my undergarments. "I think it's time I got into something less revealing." I motioned towards my body as I looked at Kidd.

He agreed and so we went off through the corridors towards the chambers.

-------- Authors note ----
Hey guys, hope you liked it? Sorry its short but hey ho, Please vote or comment any ideas :) also if you follow me I'll follow back :)

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