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Havana 1717 -

Elizabeth's POV -

I headed into the dusty old barn being careful not to make a sound and swiftly plunged into an old haystack before I could be spotted.

It soon became clear of what was going on...

I could see Edwards face, mangled from the swelling, covered in bruises and blood trickling from his now bust lip. The Filthy bastard stood over him, before grabbing the scorching branding-ion from the hot coals...


The groans of pain were evident in my ears an the Templar bastard just laughed, no pity towards Edward.

I couldn't allow this to happen, Edward meant too much to me... Not that he knew it. He had this effect on me, the slightest touch of his skin made my spine shiver...

I snapped back from my dreaming mind, to the sound of Edwards pain filled screeches.

Without a second thought I sprinted soundlessly towards the Templar bastard an plunged my hidden blade into his back, the tip piercing its way until it poked out his front, covered with the crimson liquid of his body.

His form went limp and his final breath crept from his blood filled mouth.

I had never been so happy to see Edward. His face was full of relief although it was swollen from the beating. I looked at him before seeing the gaping wound, covered with fabric of his once entire sleeve. It was red, still spewing out blood, clearly not healing. I needed to get him somewhere safe.

I felt his soft hand, that cupped my cheek ... Then his face fell and his body became limp.


---- authors note ----

Enjoy reading guys :)

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