A waiting game

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Havana 1717 -

Elizabeth's POV -

I tugged at Edward's body, trying frantically to get a response. I couldn't get one...
I needed to get him somewhere safe, and fast.

I leant down grabbing his muscular body and slumped him over my shoulder being careful not to provoke his already bloody wound. I tirelessly dragged his frame through various alleyways of Havana, making my way towards the Jackdaw, trying urgently to avoid drunkards and their trouble.

It wasn't long before I stumbled onto the Jackdaw, still dragging an unconscious Edward over my shoulder. It soon became apparent to Ade that something was wrong and ran over to give me a hand.

"What happened Elizabeth?" Ade's accent was thick when he spoke.

"Fucking Templars that's what!" I snapped, fighting back the tears that welled up in my eyes.

"Go stay with the crew, I will shout when there's news." Ade instructed, he could see that Edward meant a lot to me, so he took Edward to the cabin with the Jackdaws doctor.

I strolled over to the railing an stared into the crystal clear water bellow, I allowed the tears to flood down my cheeks, colliding with the salty water and splashing from the impact.

* why do I care so much? It's not like I...love him...*

I was torn from my questioning thoughts by the thumping of feet heading towards me. I wiped my pink skin, furiously trying to disguise my tears.

I was met with Ade's face.

"He's awake, an he requests to see you Elizabeth... He'll be fine but it will take time for him to recover." I nod before heading for the cap'ns quarters.

I lent towards the brass handle and twisted it, before entering....

---- Authors Note -----
Bit of a shit chapter, but hey ho! :) thanks for the votes an reads!!! Means a lot as I'm not the best writer :/ oh well hope you enjoyed, shall try to update more often :))))

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