An unexpected meeting

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Kingston 1717

Elizabeth's POV -

It had been around a month now since i had failed to complete my mission and report back to the Templars.

I was hoping that they would stop sending a flipping search party out for me, as there is no way I'm going back to join their awful order.

After I let Edward live, I realised I couldn't go back to the Templars an beg for forgiveness so I took the liberty of renting a room at an inn called "The kings arms" The land lady was kind an allowed me to stay an extra month whilst I gather the money to pay her. Nobody has found me yet an its only a matter of time before they do.

It was a normal day, I had spent the morning working for an old man at the market before making my way back home toward the inn. That's when I heard the shouting.

"You're only making this harder for yourself mate!" Edwards voice sounded from nearby. I hid in the dark ally out of sight before witnessing Edward sprint after a man in hot pursuit. "Roberts!" Edward's voice was strong once more so I peaked around once they had past to avoid any unwanted attention but as i did, i felt him glance in my direction, had he seen me?!? I did not know, but i sprinted back to the inn as fast as i could and away from Edward and the escapee.

I now know for sure that Edward was in town an that he may know of my whereabouts. For the rest of the day I stayed in my room away from civilisation praying that he hadn't noticed my apperance earlier that morning.

I lay in the snug bed, with the window wide open across the room for fresh air. I turned my body away from the window and unglued my eyes from the nights stary skies. Drifting to sleep I started to dream....

*"My darling daughter, you must follow in my footsteps, become a Templar." You heard your father voice clear in your head. "But I don't want to, I don't wa..."

"Do as your told girl before I loose my temper for good an leave you with more than a black eye" you can clearly remember his drunken words after he had punched you in the face, leaving you terrified.*

Suddenly i awoke from my nightmare in a cold sweat, shaking with anger an terror. Taking a minute before i placed my head once again on the soft pillow.

But something wasn't right.

I could feel eyes burning into the back of my form from the dark shadow in the corner of the small room. Even though i were alert, I pretended to be asleep reaching for the knife under my pillow. Before I knew it I was wrestled to the floor, knife on the oak floorboards out of reach. Looking up, I was met by the familiar hazy eyes staring back at me. My form pinned unable to move in defence.

It was Kenway.

Edward's POV -

I knew it was her! The one that spared me bout a month ago. I don't even know who she is. I needed answers an so after my pursuit I followed her to the inn. Once night had fallen, I saw the window open which happened to lead to the room, i welcomed myself in, After awaiting for her eyes to shut an body to turn, I quietly snook in and his myself morphing into the shadows.

I watched as she tossed and turned, with the occasional terrified murmur of the words "don't beat me, don't beat me. Please" It was then that she sat bolt upright in a cold sweat unknowing that I was lurking in the dark. Who was she so afraid of? It was obvious something traumatic had happened in the past but i couldn't show sympathy right now, i needed answers. As she went back to lying on her back I took my chances and dragged her from the bed pinning her to the floor, throwing her blade out of reach.

"Who ar'ya lass? Why'd you stay your blade? Don't play games with me lass tell me what I wanna know or these'l be your last words you'll speak."

The angry face showed a tinge of fright at your quick actions an you could see she was unwilling to comply with your questions.

"Stubborn lass arn't ya ey." Guess i'll just have to find another way of making you talk.

Elizabeth's POV --

I found my eyes growing more sleepy after I felt the sharp stinging sensation at the nape of my neck, the Bastard had drugged me.

-- authors note --

okay I know this ones boring but it will get better trust me :)

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