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Kingston 1717---

Elizabeth's POV --

Darkness... that's all I could see. An empty abyss of eerie silence.

I was blind, my thoughts, feelings and motions were non existent. Until a piercing white light burned through the darkness, consuming me into what looked like the streets of Kingston.

The busy streets and noisy market people going about there daily business. Walking faster I came toward the town centre.

That's when I saw it...

Edward was bent over a thin, crippled body. His form slumped as he mourned over the loss of this person.

"Edward" I sadly whispered as I tapped his shoulder.

No response.

"Edward" I said louder reaching for his shoulder, shaking it to get his attention.

Still nothing.

I walked in front of his frame slowly, puzzled as to why I couldn't get his attention.

That's when it hit me. A loud gasp escaping my lips as my hazy eyes widened as to who was lying in his arms.
MY body was limp and motionless on his lap. My face peaceful, my once rosy lips slightly parted and my eyes fully open.

I'm dead! I can see myself...dead.

I look into Edwards eyes, seeing the sorrow and pain there. He sat caressing my pail cheek, hugging my cold limp body to his.
I so desperately wanted to reach out to him and tell him everything was ok and that I was in peace now, no longer suffering from William.
Edward sat there, stroking my dull brown hair whispering to my lifeless body.
"You stubborn lass" he breathed deadly preparing himself " you did all this to stop him hurting me, all this time I actually believed you wanted to be one of them. But you did this to protect me, sacrificing your beautiful body and charming persona to stop William." His face saddening in thought " Remember back in Nassau, when that man felt your ass and you kneed him in his privates, unmanning him for life..." he chuckled lightly at the memory " that's when I new Elizabeth... that's when I fell in love with you." His eyes closed allowing a single shiny tear to be shed down his stubbly face.

I felt the warm stream of my own tears cascading down my face as he knelt there still caressing my broken body. I so badly wanted to get up an hold him, kiss him and tell him I feel the same.

But I can't...I'm dead...

Just then my surroundings changed. An unnatural array of colours. Strange golden symbols covered the walls and ran across the air in front of me.

Then she appeared.

"It doesn't have to be this way child.' Her body floated gracefully as her voice was filled with authority. who was this...person?

"Who are you? And what do you mean, it doesn't have to be this way?"
I asked puzzled. If I'm dead how can I still be talking to people?

"All in good time my child. It doesn't have to be like this Elizabeth, you have a choice." she paused staring at me as her white dress flowed behind her.

"How do you know my name!? And what choice?" I'm so confused. how the hell does she know my name.

"Calm down girl, I mean you have the chance to go back. For fill your destiny with Edward by your side, conquer the Templars before they find the key."
She sounds so desperate and what key?

"What key?" I ask.

" The key that will bring the entire human existence to the end if not retrieved by you and Edward." She slowly began to fade " Make the right choice, the life as you know it Is in your hands. Protect it, free it and defeat those who seek other ways. Take down the Templars before they a use its power."

"WAIT!" I said still confused as to what's happening."How do I get back?"

"When you are ready, just think of going back and it will happen. May the creed guide you Elizabeth Smith. Nothing is true, Everything is permitted" and with that she was gone and I was left in the darkness once more.

Trying to choose...

----- Authors note -----
Thanks for reading :) hehe can't wait to write the next bit haha. vote and comment what you guys think please!!!! Woop woop :))

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