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On the Jackdaw 1717

Elizabeth's POV -

I was woken by the sounds of seagulls calling and the slight swaying sensation making me feel quite sick.

As I opened my eyes I was faced with the wooden ceiling staring back, my vision still slightly blurred from the dose of sleeping poison that was inflicted on my neck the day before. I looked around only to find myself locked in the cells of a ship. How did I get here?

Feeling the sensation of eyes glaring at me I turned to the hallway of the cell quarters to find the same blonde haired assassin watching me carefully.

A rage came over me angry when I recalled him dragging me out of bed and drugging me against my will. As my anger got the better of me I snapped "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DRUG ME, YOU BASTARD!"

An angry yet amused face greeted my snappy remark, giggling he said "If I hadn't you would never answer my questions lass." His lips smirked.

Knitting my eyebrows into a unhappy frown I said "Why makes you think I'll answer them now!" My fiery eyes met his amused ones and yet again he can back with yet another smart remark.

" Cause if you went to get out of the cell, then you will answer my questions lass. After all I can't take my chances of letting you loose in my captains quarters now could I? After all ya are quite the mysterious lady arnt ya? why are you afraid of being beaten lass?

A he glared at me, awaiting an answer I turned to the wall an refused to do so. However my spite got the better of me "ITS NONE OF YOUR BLODDY BUISNESS, PIRATE!" with that said, he retreated out leaving me hot headed in a cell.

I've waited to long, time to find a way to escape...

-- authors note --
A short chapter but yeh hope you enjoyed :)

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