Chapter Four

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My fingers never stopped trembling the whole way.

No matter how hard I tried, despite the heater Neil turned on due to the chilly night. Despite his leather jacket I wore around myself. Despite it all, the redundant shakes in my fingers never ceased.

The tremors within my fingers are also accompanied with trembles over every inch of my skin.

Claire had offered to stitch the large gash on my head but I had refused, not wanting anyone to touch me. Even if it's someone as friendly as Claire, I simply didn't want hands on my body.

So in my shaken up and bloodied state, I had walked slowly to Neil's car. Neil and Claire said alot of things but I don't recall much of it. All their words are muffled together in my head.

"Kayla?" Neil calls from beside me and I break out from my thoughts violently to look towards him "We're almost at your pack."

I nod, unable to speak as I turn and go back to staring at the dark night ahead, only illuminated by the car's head lights.

The metallic taste of my own blood still lingers on my tongue and as all the adrenaline leaves my body, the pain floods into me to replace it. Every inch of me feels like it's tearing itself apart, especially my head. Although it has stopped bleeding profusely, the pain there hasn't dulled. If for anything, it has only intensified and I am at a cross between feeling lightheaded and having a severe headache that feels like my skull is being crushed.

My nose is broken, I know that for sure and the pain in my ribs will be the death of me.

Jayce is an Alpha. They're incredibly strong and he used all that strength to punch me in my stomach and ribs. I knew it wouldn't blow over easily.

After making it through the security that surrounds my father's house, Neil stops the car in front of the huge house. He turns to me.

"We're here." He declares sadly and I just pinch my lips together, still tasting my own blood but not knowing what to say.

What can I say really?

Neil looks at me, obviously expecting me to say something, his eyes searching for my voice but it does no good and with a sad sigh, he says "What Jayce did was wrong and he's probably going to kill me when he realises I helped you but just know that I don't regret it. He has no right to hurt you like this no matter what and I can't just keep watching him brutalise you."

He reaches out to give my shoulder a comforting squeeze but I flinch and he understands, taking back his hand.

"I want you to be happy Kayla. You're more than a sister to me." He says and I feel more tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill over but resilient in their fight not to. So instead, they remain in limbo within my sockets.

Neil opens the door and gets out. He comes to my side and opens my door for me to step out as well. My limbs refuse to work and instead, I just stare out until Neil holds his hand out to me to help me out.

I know it's a friendly gesture but I can't help the shudders that overcomes me when he reaches out to help me. I don't want any hands on me and so this prompt me to shake my head in refusal and then I force my legs to move and get out of the car.

My feet are bare so when they hit the luscious grass, it tickles my feet, distracting me from the pain that is ravaging my being now that I am on them.

Dizziness overwhelms me suddenly and I have to close my eyes and stare down in an effort to steady my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Neil asks from beside me and I nod.

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