Chapter Forty Two

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Three Months Later…

Dear Jade,

It's been three months since I got married and it's beautiful in it's own ways. These past few months feel like a blur. A systematic routine that involves me spending most of my mornings with Jane, brushing her hair. She has such beautiful hair. It reminds me of my brother’s. Logan had very nice hair as well. Then I have breakfast with my father before going to training with Matthew and the pack members.

They seem to like him more than me. I can’t decide if that makes me happy because it means that they have accepted him or bothers me because that means that they haven’t accepted me but that’s the truth of things.

When I have nothing important to do, I spend most of my time with either Mer, Matthew or Jane. Mer is a great friend. I can’t believe that I ever misjudged her. Maybe Carter was right, I do misjudge people. Carter and I haven’t spoken since that day and although I miss him, I think it might just be for the best. I hear the talks from Vina. Him and Vicky are together, she even moved into his house. Well, as long as she makes him happy, that’s all that truly matters to me.

Vina, my assistant had her daughter a month ago and she made me the godmother. It's so crazy to even consider. Her daughter is so beautiful and she named her Leanna. I was so afraid I'd drop her the first time I held her but I pulled through.

Matthew and I are good. By far, my most favourite pastime is being with him. It’s strange to say but I love him. Just being next to him alone is enough for me. I don’t know if he’s in love with me because he’s never said it. That’s fine though, he doesn’t have to love me. As long as he treats me well and makes me happy, that’s enough…….for now anyway.

He seems a bit more open though. He looks at me longer, holds me tighter, doesn’t brush off most of my questions like he used to. Sometimes, on days when he’s more open, he even lets me feel what he’s feeling. Other days, he just shuts me out completely. I’ve learnt to stop complaining and just accept whatever he’s willing to share but still, I don’t like the feeling of him hiding things. Despite that, I don’t know why I can’t bring myself to push him for answers. Every time I try to, I end up deciding to let it go. Yet, I still can’t ignore this unsettling feeling I get whenever I start to consider the fact that he hides his feelings from me for a reason.

But overall, our relationship is healthy and I’m glad that I’m with him.

Recently, I have started to notice certain changes in my body. I assume that it's due to the marking. Colours seem sharper to me. I feel a mix of intense energy and volatile nausea and sometimes, I can’t help the random headaches I get. I’m thinking of meeting a doctor because I feel like something isn’t right.

What about you? How has your life been? How is your mom’s pregnancy? I hope it’s going well. And Emerald? How is her health? I hope it’s good. Please take care of yourself and send me a letter as soon as you are able to.

With Love,


I sign at the bottom and fold the letter before placing it into an envelope and setting it on my table. I love communicating with Jade. It’s a highlight in my life. In her last two letters, she sent me a picture of herself and her family and I couldn’t stop staring at how beautiful she is with her irresistible jaded green eyes - like her name - and blonde hair. I even showed Matthew her picture but something he did surprised me. He stared at her picture intensely for a very long time and then, looked up at me with a slight glare. I was taken aback by it until he shook his head and explained that she looked strikingly similar to his sister, Amelia, who happened to be dead.

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