Chapter Forty Three

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“Does it hurt?” Mer questions while I remain bent over my bed, the position I've assumed for the past two hours, my legs almost completely numb now.

“Not yet but it's going to,” I assure her even though nausea is starting to take its toll on me and Matthew's scent in my bedroom has my stomach turning.

I need him.

“Are you sure you don't want me to call Matthew so he can come back?” Mer asks slowly, her eyes gauging my reaction cautiously. My head snaps up.

“I told you my stance on that suggestion. No!” I answer, my words coming out louder than I intended when I feel my stomach really start to turn, causing my fingers to clench tightly to it.

“He has a duty to you, Kayla,” she begins, taking measured steps towards me as buds of sweat starts to form around my forehead. “You're very vulnerable in this state and you will be for a while until it passes and who knows how long that might take seeing as you're an Alpha and this is your first heat.”

“His duty is to his mother!” I argue, shaking my head adamantly. “Besides, it's just pain. I've felt pain before and this probably won't be the last time I'll ever feel it either. I can handle it. Alone.”

“Why are you so stubborn?” Mer exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air.

My fingers tighten more intensely around my stomach as my face twists, my temperature rising further when the sweat drips down my face. I have to force my eyes shut in order to stabilise my vision and when I open my eyes again, Mer is standing right next to me, her fingers brushing my face.

“By the Moon, Kayla, you're burning up!” She exclaims, her voice echoing too loudly for my ears to handle causing me to screech. “You need to tell Matthew, call him. Kayla, please! I've seen heats before Kayla! They aren't something anyone can handle alone.”

Her eyes lock with mine in a plea for me to listen to her but I refuse, shaking my head. I'm adamant. I can't take away Matthew's last chance of seeing his mother before she leaves this world. He won't forgive me. I know that. And that would be fine because I wouldn't forgive myself either.

I don't know how but I'll find a way to go through this alone. I just have to.

“Kayla,” Mer begins again in a soft tone, her face close to mine. “Please let me call Matthew. Please.”

I only shake my head, persistent in my decision and she sighs deeply while I climb haphazardly up to my bed.

The sheets irritate my skin, the heat in my bones increasing drastically until my shaky fingers begin to drag my clothes off my body. I struggle with it until Mer comes to help me.

I'm completely naked against my sheets but it feels like I have layers upon layers of clothing. I struggle against my bed, my skin burning and stomach turning. Nausea has me wanting to go on my knees and in a way, I feel like I can't breathe.

The next three days are spent like this with each day worse than the last. Hours upon hours spent tossing and turning in the bed I share with Matthew, his scent worsening my state. Sleep is foreign to me but when I do manage to shut my eyes, the dreams that come to me make me prefer to simply stay awake. The erotic mess that has everything about me feeling scattered and causing me to search for some sort of friction between my legs.

Food escapes me, the smell completely repugnant to me and my father resorts to injecting supplements into my veins. His scent worsens my nausea which makes him avoid me, giving the injections to Mer as he explains that it's normal since we share the same blood.

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