Chapter 1

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    I wake up to my alarm ringing in my ears. I reach for my the clock and turn it off. I sit up and walk to the closet. I grab a pair of leggings and a long, navy blue sweater. I throw it on and walk to the mirror. I brush my dark brunette, frizzy hair and place it in a lazy bun. I put my glasses in front of my chocolate brown eyes and walk to my Mac. I check my emails and Facebook. Nothing important.

   I walk downstairs to my mother cheerily making breakfast. My older brother Matthew is all dressed in a suit, ready to show off for the boss. He's a kiss ass.

   "Why so glum chum?" My mother asks as she turns around, her brown curls bouncing like her personality. Her red lips are pulled into a smile.

   I sit down and eat some toast. "Aren't I always 'glum'?" I ask sarcastically. She pulls her perfectly plucked eyebrows together.

   "Isabella, stop being so sarcastic. Your brother isn't." Matthew smiles at my dad's comment. My dad's brown eyes stare at me. I flip Matthew off under the table. He sees and stops smiling. I start chuckling and get up. I kiss my mom and dad and grab my bag. I get onto the bus and ride to high school.

   I walk into the school. I'm bumped into so many times its not even forgivable. I swear, people are such jerks.

   "Oh look who it is. Ms. Scrawny-Four-Eyes." Rebecca, the school's whore, states to her minions. I tense up and keep walking. She always calls me ugly, four eyes, and countless other names. It's true, I wear glasses, I'm thin but scrawny, and I'm smart. She's gonna really get it when she's the prostitute and I'm the billionaire.

   I walk into class and take my seat in the front. After going through the day of spitballs, pushes, and name calling, I finally get onto the bus.  I can almost taste the internet. (A/N If you know where I got that, I love you. In a friend way.)

   When I walk into the driveway, I see no one is home. I smile brightly and run upstairs.

   I turn on my laptop and and take my hair out of it's bun. I change into a tight My Chemical Romance T-shirt and yoga pants. I put on some lip gloss and take my glasses off. I go to my favorite site and start video chatting. A man with black hair pops up in the other screen. He has jade green eyes and a bright smile. His chiseled jaw is perfectly shaved. I smile.

   'Hey beautiful. What's your name?' I blush and type back.

   'I'm Isabella. What about you baby?' I wink. He laughs.

   'I'm Jonathan. Age and location?' Jonathan messages back.

   I think for a moment. Should I tell him? I don't think it will kill me. '14 and San Francisco. What about you?'

   He looks at me and smiles widely. It's contagious. 'That's awesome, Isabella. I'm 20 and I live in San Jose. We should meet up. ' I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

   Maybe we should meet. He could be my soulmate. We could fall in love and live happily ever after. 'Okay. I'd love that. How about Saturday?'

   Jonathan smiles wider. 'OK. Meet me at the Starbucks on Coleman.'


   Jonathan and I chatted for 3 more hours on the phone.

   He is a firefighter and is single. He told me he'd never been married before. He seemed really excited about meeting me.

   "Isabella! Dinner!"' I hear my mom call from the kitchen. I wipe my lip gloss off and run downstairs.

   I sit at the table. My brother and Dad are sitting at the table already. Matthew is talking on his Bluetooth and Dad is reading the newspaper. When my mom sets the food down, Matthew hangs up and Dad puts away the paper. We all say grace and start eating. Matthew, Dad, and Mom all talk while I sink in my chair and eat.

   "What did you do today, Isabella?" Dad asks. I look up and smile, thinking about Jonathan.

   "Well, I just came home, did my homework, and went on the computer." It's basically true. Just leaving out the whole meeting a stranger thing.

   Dinner is finished with little talking to me. I walk upstairs and finish my homework. Jonathan calls again.

   "Hey, Isabella. I kept thinking about you." He says instantly.

   "Hey, Jonathan. I was thinking about you too. What's up?"

   "Well, I couldn't spend another second not talking to you so I guessed you were in your room and called. I also wanted to talk about something. " Jonathan explains.

   "Uhm, totally. What are we talking about Jonathan?"

   He sighs a happy sigh. "I love the way you say my name. I was thinking, after having coffee, wanna come back to the hotel I'm staying at and hang out? I hope it's not too much to ask."

   "Of course I will. That'd be awesome to hang for the day. " I smile and he laughs.

   "Okay. Good. I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight Isabella. You'll be in my dreams. " I laugh, a bit nervous.

   "Good night, Jonathan. " I hang up and set the phone down and lay down. I go to sleep and dream of the man Jonathan.

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