Chapter 28

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   Darkness surrounds me as I cautiously walk down the stairs. They seem to drag on forever. After what feels like an eternity, my feet finally hit the solid ground. It's still pitch black. I can't find Taylor in the darkness.

   "Taylor?" I whisper into the darkness. My body hits something hard and sends me falling on the ground. I curse under my breath and stand back up. I hit a wall.

   I continue walking through the darkness. My eyes start adjusting and I can make more sense of my surroundings. There seems to be a lot of hallways. Then how did we hear Xander?

   I walk down some towards a lit room. The whole area is silent. I can't hear Taylor, Jonathan, or Xander.

   I finally make it to the lit room. I peer inside and see a small child wrapped in a blanket on a mattress. The room has a cement floor and regular white walls.

   I walk over to the mattress and see the little boy with black hair. I rush the rest of the way to the bed and flip him over. He's asleep, his chest rises and falls slowly, signalling he is okay. I stand up with Xander in my hands. As I'm about to turn around, someone grabs me and pulls my back to their chest. A sharp pain goes through neck and relaxes my muscles. The person takes the needle out of my neck and holds me up.

   "Hello beautiful. It's been a while, huh?" Jonathan's voice quietly fills my ears. He takes Xander from my hands and lays him back on the bed. My body becomes tired and my eyelids start shutting. I fight to keep them open. I try to grab the gun from my pocket. It's gone. "Looking for this?" Jonathan whispers in my ear while holding the gun in front of my face. He places it on the ground and kicks it away.

   "Where's...Taylor?" I breathe out. I'm exhausted. I can barely move.

   "Your little boyfriend? He's okay. Don't worry. I wouldn't want to hurt something you love." He squeezes my arm tightly.

   "I don' him." Jonathan chuckles and lays me on the cold ground. He kneels next to me and gently tucks my hair behind my ear.

   "It's alright, love. You don't need to lie." He stands up. "Now go to sleep." That's the last thing I hear before completely blacking out.


   Darkness surrounds me once more. I try to move. My hands are...tied. Along with my feet. I try to say something. My mouth is covered. All that's heard is a loud muffled noise. I try to scream with no luck. I move rapidly, trying to undo the binds holding me. I manage to get in a sitting position.

   My voice muffles still. I'm not used to having something trapping my voice. I don't like the feeling.

   Slam! A large door closes. the sound of shuffling fills the room. A light turns on. I close my eyes to shield them from the brightness. My eyes adjust quickly. I look and see Jonathan sitting on a chair and holding a knife. Next to him is Taylor. He is unconscious and tied like me.

   Jonathan looks at me and notices that I'm awake. He stands up and walks over to me. I struggle against the restraints.

   "Shhh, love. It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." He says to me quietly. "I'm going to get rid of the man so that we can be together forever." He caresses my cheek slowly before standing up and walking back over to Taylor. I start to struggle rapidly and scream as loud as I can. Jonathan's laughter booms over my muffled screams. "No one can hear you." He smiles at me creepily before continuing to walk over to Taylor.

   "Stop!" I scream over and over. He can't hear me. Even if he could, he wouldn't listen. "Please, please stop!" Tears spill from my eyes as I watch Jonathan wake Taylor up. Taylor wakes up fully when he discovers the situation he's in. His wide eyes look over to me and back to Jonathan who is now holding the knife over Taylor.

   The moment seems to freeze. Me watching Taylor close to death. The blade that will kill him. This is your fault! You lead Jonathan to him! Your fault! Your fault! My mind tells me. I want to believe it. Because it's true.

   I scream as loud as I can and pull at the duct tape tying my hands together. No luck. It's too strong.

   "Would you be quiet over there? You're interrupting." Jonathan snaps loudly at me. I shake my head and try to scream again. Jonathan walks over to me, kneels down and grabs my chin. "There will be plenty of us time, Isabella. Now stop being so selfish and quiet down, love." He stands back up and walks over to Taylor. I close my eyes as Jonathan raises the knife above his head. I can't watch him be killed. I can't watch another person be murdered in cold blood. Murdered because of me.


   SAD NEWS! This book will be ending in the next one or so chapters. There WILL be an epilogue. I will talk about the book a bit at the end to help you maybe understand some parts you may not have understood. Like why she would stay with Jonathan and stuff like that. So THANK YOU ALL AND I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!


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