Chapter 10

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   "Jonathan! My water broke!" I scream. He runs in frantically and helps me get up. We rush to the car and he drives as quickly as possible to the hospital. I've never been so happy to see a hospital in my life.

   As we rush in, Jonathan and some nurses frantically get me into a wheelchair. They roll me into a room and help me onto the bed. The doctor we chose for the birth comes in and she helps me.

   "Breath like this," she shows me the way to breath. "It looks like you're crowning. " She says with a smile.


   After an hour of pushing and screaming at Jonathan because he did this to me, a beautiful baby boy came out. When I look at Jonathan, I see his eyes glassy with tears. I smile at him and he holds onto my hand. He kisses my forehead.

   "Can we see the baby?" The nurse nods and hands me the little baby wrapped in a baby blue blanket. "Hey baby. " His eyes are full of wonder. He smiles at me and Jonathan. He wraps his little hand around Jonathan's finger. We share a small laugh and the baby smiles.

   Jonathan gets out his phone and walks into the hall. I see him talking on the phone. I notice some tears coming out of his eyes.

   My heart breaks at the thought, 'I'm going to leave him.' How can I leave Jonathan. My baby boy needs a dad. I could never leave him with Jonathan. Who knows what kind of abuse he'd throw towards him.

   Jonathan comes back into the room. "Want to hold him?" I ask Jonathan. He nods and carefully takes the baby out of my arms.

   "I've been imagining this moment since you were 14. I never knew how great it'd actually be. " He says quietly, looking down at our baby. I smile and sit back.

   "I think you should rest, Bell." I nod and lay onto the bed fully. If I wasn't so tired, it would've taken me and hour to fall asleep


   I wake up to the sound of beeping machines and disinfectant smells. I open my eyes and see my mom sitting on a chair next to my dad and brother. My mom notice me awake and I hold her hand. "Hi." I say quietly, not to wake my brother.

   "He's beautiful, Isabella. Jonathan almost didn't want to go home. I told him to rest and come back as soon as he woke up. " I give a half smile.

   My dad gets up from his seat and stands next to my mom. "Do you have a name yet?" He asks.

   "Jonathan has names. I have to check them when I get home. " I say quietly.

   I hear Matthew shuffle on the chair. We all look at him and see him smoothing out his pajamas. I laugh a bit at the sight. His hair all ruffled, wrinkled T-shirt and plaid PJ bottoms.

   "What?" He asks.

   "I've never seen you in PJs in public. " I say.

   "Well, when I heard the baby was born, we had to rush right over. " He kisses my cheek and I smile at my family. My perfect family.


   The next day, Jonathan came to the hospital at 11 AM. He had jeans and a white T-shirt on. His hair was like bed head.

   "Morning beautiful. " He says with a kiss. "Where are your parents?"

   "They left. My brother had work. " He nods. "What was the baby name for a boy?"

   He bites his lip thoughtfully. "Xander Macbeth Ryan. " I smile.

   "I love the name Xander." I almost whisper. Jonathan holds my hand and rubs small circles on the back of my hand.


   At 12 o'clock, I was released from the hospital. Xander was also released. Because Jonathan planned way ahead, we don't need to buy much.

   Little Xander fell asleep in my arms. His tiny blanket keeps him safe from the cold air. When we pull up to the house, I go to the baby room closest to our room. I carefully lay him down into the crib with the little blue blanket still wrapped around his body. I smile down at the sleeping baby. Jonathan comes into the room and wraps his arms around my waist. I feel much more lighter without the 7 pound baby inside of me.

   "I love you, Bell." Jonathan whispers into my ear. I shiver at his breath going down my neck.

   "I love you, Jonathan. "


   I walk downstairs with Jonathan hot on my trail. When I reach the bottom, he grabs my arm and spins me to face him. Our faces are so close that our noses almost touch. He snakes his arm around my waist and caresses my cheek. He leans in and lightly kisses me. He gets more aggressive quickly and pushes me up against the wall.

   "Jonathan, what are you doing?" I ask when we pull away for breath. He smiles.

   "I miss the taste of your lips. I haven't tasted them since the second month of your pregnancy. " He kisses my neck. I try to push him back. Xander starts crying to save the day.

   "I'll go see what's wrong. " I rush upstairs to see my little baby crying hard in his crib. I pick him up and try to nurse him. The nurses instructed me on how to do it, however I still have trouble. "C'mon Xander. Eat." I say quietly to him while trying to get him to suck. When he does, I sit in the rocking chair and gently rock him back and forth. He falls asleep soon enough.

   I hear Jonathan chuckle. I look up to see him smiling while leaning on the doorframe. He walks over and kisses my head and rubs Xander's. He stirs a bit before going back to his deep sleep. I gently lay him back in his crib and smile down at him. Jonathan wraps is arms around my waist and lays his head on my shoulder.

   "I love you, Isabella. "

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