Chapter 8

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   I look at Jonathan in horror. He keeps driving. He drives up the same path from when I went to Max's cabin. How does he know where Max lives? "How do you know where you're going?"

   "Max is a...friend of mine. We've been friends for a while. " I sit as the awkward silence takes over. We pull up to the driveway. Max's truck is here.

   Jonathan pulls a pocket knife out of his pocket. I start breathing heavily. "Please, Jonathan! Let's just go! We didn't do anything." He ignores my pleads. He gets out of the car and I follow, unbuckling my seatbelt and running to him. I grab his arm. "How about we just talk to him! It was a misunderstanding!" I plead again. Jonathan throws me to the ground and keeps walking. I get up and run back to him. He rings the bell and Max answers. Jonathan attacks him and they both end up on the ground. I start trying to get the knife from Jonathan, getting a painful cut in the process.

   I kick, punch, and slap Jonathan, trying to get him away from Max. Jonathan cuts Max under his brown eye, causing him to yell in pain. I attempt to pull Jonathan off of Max again. He throws me away, the wall catching me. I hear Max scream and see the knife sticking out of his side. I notice it missed anything vital and sort of calm down. Blood starts bubbling out of Max. Jonathan smirks and takes the knife out, causing him to bleed more. I try to run to him. Jonathan starts pulling me away. I run to the phone and press the numbers 9-9-1. I click the call button and drop the phone as Jonathan pulls me away to the car. Tears start coming out of my eyes as Jonathan drives away from the cabin.

   After sobbing quietly to myself for about 30 minutes, we pull into Jonathan's driveway. I get out of the car and walk to the door. I open it and walk inside to the bathroom. I clean and wrap my hand. After I finish, I hear the door slam shut. I cringe as I see Jonathan. He looks at me without emotion and sits on the couch. I slug upstairs and change into a big, black hoodie and shorts. I walk downstairs and sit as far away from Jonathan as possible. He stares at the TV without a word.

   "Why did you kill him?" I ask, looking at the ground. I see Jonathan turn to me out of the corner of my eye.

   "He kidnapped you, Bell. He could've raped you, for all I know!" I look at him.

   "He didn't." Jonathan sighs. I start feeling that sharp pain again in my stomach. I grasp my stomach. Jonathan stands up and runs to me. The feeling goes away and I feel normal again.

   "What's wrong?"

   "I keep getting a sharp pain in my stomach and I vomit every morning. " His face turns pale as a sheet. I raise an eyebrow at him and he runs to the door. He grabs the keys and leaves. "Well, thanks for telling me what's up." I say to myself. I go to the kitchen and eat a snack. Jonathan comes back 10 minutes later and rushes into the kitchen with a bag in his hand. He walks to me and pulls out a box.

   Before I read what it is, Jonathan pulls me into the bathroom. "Here, do this." I look at the pregnancy test. My eyes widen and I take a step back.


   "I think you're pregnant. I'm not positive, but you might be. " I chuckle at the joke and turn serious again. "Okay, well I've been reading a bit so that when we were together, I would know when you were pregnant. Plus, we didn't use protection and I didn't pull out." My stomach drops at that thought.

   I do my business on the stick and Jonathan and I wait for the results. He holds onto my waist and lays his head on my shoulder. When the result is ready, I look at it with one eye. My heart leaps into my throat as I read the result.


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