Chapter 13

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   Beep. Beep. Beep.

   I hear a beeping noise. My heavy eyelids lift open effortlessly. What I see is a white filled room that smelt like cleaning supplies. The hospital.

   A nurse is humming as she walks into the room. Her eyes widen and she runs out of the room, returning seconds later with a doctor. The woman smiles a white grin.

   "Hello Ms. Rose. It seems you've awoken from your coma. " My eyes widen this time

   "C-coma?" My voice cracks.

   The doctor nods. "We thought you wouldn't ever wake up. " She looks down at her clipboard and writes something down. "Your coma was caused by stress and shock. It's rare to not wake up from that type of coma. " She reads over the chart again. "It also seems like you were hit in the face area. That was also a cause. "

   "What happened? I don't recall the last couple of days. "

   "Well Ms. Rose, you have been in a coma for 4 weeks. The night before you went into your coma, your fiancée was found in your child's room along with the deputy-"

   I remember everything. Xander. "Where is my son?" I panic

   "Shh calm down. He is perfectly fine. You called right in time. His airways were almost completely shut. "

   "What happened to...him?" I hiss.

   "Well, I'm guessing you'll be glad to hear he is on trial. All of the bodies were discovered in the backyard. " My lips curve into a smile.

   "You mean, I'm free?"

   The doctor looks at me weird. "What do you mean?"

   "He kidnapped me when I was 18. He killed my boyfriend and his family. He threatened to take my life if I told anyone. " The tears start spilling over. "We got engaged after Xander was born because he was too capable for hurting me or Xander if I got away. He stabbed my leg once so I wouldn't leave him."

   The doctor looks at me with panicked eyes. She whispers something to the nurse like, "Go call the police." She turns back to me and smiles, her eyes filled with concern. "I'm glad to tell you that you are free from that man. "

   "Where is he now?"

   "He's in the hospital right now. You gave him quite the concussion. He doesn't remember much. I'm sorry, however, you're going to have to see him soon. He needs to remember as much as possible about the murders." My eyes widen and my heartbeat quickens. The heart monitor proves my fear. "It's alright. You don't have to do it now. When you do, you will be guarded by many guards. Don't worry, Isabella. You're safe. "

   "Alright. I'll do it. But first, can I see my baby?"

   Her expression softens. "Of course. He's been wanting you since he could talk and breath on his own. "


   After walking to Xander's hospital room, I peek inside the window. He's talking to a nurse and smiling. The doctor let's me inside and Xander's face lights up like a match. 

    "Mommy!" I hug him and let a few happy tears drip. He's okay. He's alive.

   "Hey Xander. I've missed you. " He smiles and I give him a kiss.

   "I love you, mommy. When do we get to go home?" He looks down at the toy car in his lap.

   I sigh and look at him. "We aren't going home yet, baby. I have to do stuff and recover. I'll try to visit as much as possible. "


   Xander and I spent another hour together talking. I had to leave Xander because he fell asleep. I kissed his forehead and stood up from my chair. The doctor's face appears.


   "As I'll ever be. "

   We walk to another hallway to another room. I look through the window and see Jonathan talking to a guard. He looks so confused and innocent. The opposite of what he is.

   The doctor let's me into the room. Jonathan looks at me and smiles. "Isabella! Why are you here too? Can you please tell these guards I'm innocent?"

   I take a deep breath. The doctor looks at me and nods. My nurse comes in and takes my hand, giving a reassuring squeeze. I look back at Jonathan. "Jonathan, you aren't innocent. In any way, shape, or form. " I answer quietly, not getting any closer.

   "What do you mean?"

   "Jonathan," I walk over to him and grip his shoulders. "You killed like, 7 people. 4 in front of my eyes. You are not innocent. You kidnapped me, Jonathan!"  I inhale deeply and stand up straight, gaining my composure. "I don't love you."

   I see a large flash in his eyes. They go from sadness, to quickly hurt, quickly to end at anger.

   "You aren't leaving me, Isabella!" His memory has been gained.

   "Get me out of here. " My breathing becomes short and rapid. The officers lead me out. The nurse takes me back to my room and leaves as I lay down.

   The nurse comes back a couple minutes later. "He's screaming. What did you say to help him regain his memory?"

   I shrug. "I said I didn't love him."

   She nods and leaves. I close my eyes and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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