Chapter 22

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   "Wha-what?" My jaw drops slightly and I start slowly walking backwards out the door. Jonathon stands up and quickly closes the door behind me. My heart races and a nervous sweaty forms in my brows. The feeling of my brain fuzzing starts taking over.

   "You heard me, Isabella. Come with me. Xander misses you dearly. He asks me everyday where you are. 'Where's mommy?' Where are you, Isabella?" His voice is haunting. He starts advancing towards me. My eyes dart around.

   Where do I go?  The only exit is the window and the door, which Jonathan is blocking. Maybe if I dart behind him. He might catch me. He could easily catch me.

   Jonathan stops walking and stands only a couple feet away from me. "Come, Isabella. Come home." He holds a hand out to me. I open my mouth, however no words form. Only a small sound. Jonathan grand my arm and pulls me to him. I scream loudly and thrash around. Am I alone? Why am I here?

   The door settings open and I see a man with black hair. Taylor. He holds a gun and it's pointed at Jonathan. Jonathan uses my body as a shield. Just like the time he killed the sheriff.

   "Mommy?" A small voice asks.

   "Shush Xander. Mommy will be coming with us shortly. " Jonathan answers the toddler. Xander falls quiet and looks at Taylor.

   "Let her go, Jonathan." Taylor demands. Jonathan becomes angry and pulls me closer to him. His hard chest hits my back. He is still toned. Even though he was in a mental hospital for a full year.

   "Why? Do you have a thing for my Isabella?" Taylor grips his gun tighter. "Wow, Bell. Only about a week and you have another man on you." Taylor shakes his head and clicks the bullet into place.

   "Let. Her. Go. " Taylor growls at Jonathan. I close my eyes and wait for something violent to happen. My feet start moving backwards. I open my eyes and notice Jonathan backing away from Taylor. He stills uses my body as his own personal shield. Rude.

   "Isabella is coming with me and our child. You or any other person will not stop us. " Taylor curls his finger around the trigger and aims slowly. Is he going to shoot me?

   Once I realize that Taylor is probably going to shoot me, I close my eyes. Maybe today is the day I die.

   "Is you do that then I'm going to have to shoot both of you. " Taylor answers back. He's really going to shoot me. I thought we were friends.

   My eyes shoot open. If he shoots me I want him to look me in the eyes. Watch the life drain from me. Or whatever life I have left inside. My husband's half dead. My child is kidnapped. I barely see mom and dad anymore. Now my only friend is going to shoot me. My life is just a big ball of disappointed.

  "If you shoot her I'll make sure to kill you." Jonathan threatens.

   "Try." Taylor pulls the trigger. The sound explodes through the room. It rattles my bones. Either that or the bullet that just went through something.

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