Chapter 3

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3 years and 364 days later

   I walk into the hallway of the school. I walk up to Jacob, my boyfriend. After my 17th birthday, my figure started forming. I got curves in all the right places, bigger boobs, and a fuller butt. I wasn't the only one who noticed, either.

   On my 17th birthday, Jacob told me he had loved me since we were 15. We started dating and fell in love.

   As far as Jonathan goes, I haven't heard from him since the day he said he'd come back. I stopped liking him the moment Jacob asked me out. Tomorrow is my birthday, so Jacob and I will spend it together.

  "Hey, Isabella!" Jacob says while hugging me. I hug back.

   "Hey, Jake." I give him a kiss.

  "Ugh, get a room." I hear Rebecca say. After I got pretty, she also took notice. After we became friends, I saw her nice side. I still wasn't mean to anyone like she was.

   "Hey, Becca." She hugs me tight.

   "Big 18. 2 more years and we can partay. " We laugh and go to class. I walk in and sit down.

   The day goes uneventful. When the bell rings, I walk out to my car. I look over and see a black 2013 Corvette. I drop my keys. When I get up, the car's gone.

   I drive to the house and go inside. My parents aren't home yet and Matthew moved out a year ago.

   I walk upstairs and go into my room. I take off the skinny jeans and fancy pink top. I put on a tank top and loose fitting sweats. I finish my homework and go online. I go onto Facebook and check my feed.

   My phone lights up with a new text. 'See you soon Baby Doll. I love you ;)' I check to see if it's from Jake. The number is blocked.

   'Jacob?' I text back. No answer. I roll my eyes and lay the phone down on my desk. I go grab a quick meal and take a shower. I get out and go to sleep.


   I wake up and rub my eyes. I walk to my mirror and pose some cute outfits in the mirror. I settle on a cute dress that goes to my mid-thigh in the front and back of my knees in the back. It is a soft lavender and has a small, braided, brown belt. I grab some wedges that match and grab my stuff. I still go all natural on my face.

   When I arrive, I spot Becca. "Hey. Have you seen Jacob?"

   She shakes her head. "Nope. I thought maybe he was with you. " She shrugs. "Oh, and, happy 18 Isabella!" I laugh as we walk into the large building. When the bell rings, I go into the class. Jake still isn't here. I text him.

   'Hey babe. Where are you?'

   I wait for 30 minutes before I get a reply. 'Hi Isabella. I will not be attending school today. Visit me after school. I have a surprise. ' I smile and tuck my phone in my small purse.

   At the end of the day, I've counted being sung 'Happy Birthday' in every class, been told 'Happy Birthday' about 80 times, and 6 random gifts. I excitedly run to my car and drive to Jacob's house. I go to knock and see it's open. I walk in slowly. It's really quiet.

   "Hello? Jake?" I call into the empty house. I peek around the living room and find nothing. I walk into Jacob's room. The sight I see is terrifying. I see Jacob lying on his bed with a knife sticking out of his chest. I put a hand on my mouth. On the right wall, there is 'Happy Birthday, Isabella <3' written in blood. I scream. I back out of the room and run down the hall. I open his parents' room and see the same thing except his parents are on the floor.

   I back up into someone. They put a bloody hand over my mouth. I try to scream. They hold a kitchen knife to my throat.

   "Hello, beautiful. Are you happy with the gift? They fought, but for you, it's worth it. " The man says in my ear. He holds onto me tightly so I can't go anywhere. "I like what you wore for me. What's under that dress of yours? A present for me?" The man puts another bloody hand up my dress. "Thongs? Nice present."

   I slip out of the man's strong grasp and try to run outside. Running in wedges is harder than it looks. The man tackles me to the floor and sits on my waist. I look up and see Jonathan. He has a small stubble on his face. Along with the stubble, is blood.

   "Let me go!" I yell. He puts a hand on my face and closes the distance between us.

   "Why run, Bell? I thought you loved me?" He says with hurt in his eyes.

   "I did before you had to go and leave then come back and kill my boyfriend and his parents!" I scream.

   Jonathan laughs. He's a maniac. "Baby, you said you loved me. I told you I'd be back, Bell. I always keep my promise, love. Now let's go. I have your stuff already. "

   "What? How?"

   "Your door was unlocked. I walked in and packed up. I've already bought the perfect house. There are 5 bedrooms. The babies will have plenty of room. Oh Bell, I've been waiting for you to turn 18 since the day you walked out of my car. I've been watching you for the past 4 years. " He touches my face. I try to push him away. He puts my arms above my head and whispers in ear, "I love you, Isabella. "

   My heart starts running faster. I close my eyes as a small tear spills out. Jonathan wipes it away. I feel his weight shift. I open my eyes and realize he is raising the bottom of his knife. He hits me with it and I watch the world fade.


   I wake to a pounding headache. I slowly open my eyes. I look around and realize I'm in a bedroom. And it's not mine.

   I look over at the clock. 8 A.M. I look around again and get up. My headache responds to the quick movement by making it feel like I'm being stabbed in the head. I feel around my body. I'm in a large T-shirt and my underwear. I go to the door an open it. The blast of light makes my skull pound more.

   I manage to walk down the stairs of the beautiful home. I smell food cooking. I walk into the room and see Jonathan cooking in nothing but sweat pants. May I say, psychos are sexy. I mean damn, 8 pack? Am I in man heaven?

   "Mornin' Bell. How'd you sleep?"

   "I didn't sleep, it was more like I got knocked out. By the way, got aspirin?" He throws me a bottle of pain meds and I take 2. "Who dressed me?"

   Jonathan starts laughing, "Who else, love? Me." I gulp and walk to the food sitting on the table. "You're really light. You know that?" I nod slowly while eating. Jonathan sits across from me and looks at me with loving eyes. I don't see how, because I really just want to stab him.

   "What are we doing today?" I ask.

   "Work. I'm going to go there. I'll be back at 3," He walks out. "You better be here. " He adds.

   Jonathan leaves for work and I continue eating. When I finish, I walk upstairs to check the house. I find 2 of the rooms are for children, 1 is the one that is 'our' room, 1 is a study, and the last is locked. I look around the door for a key. I go through some drawers in the study and try to find the key. With no luck, I sit in the chair. I go on his computer and onto Facebook.

   I look around the feed for a bit. I find nothing important, so I log out. When I close the tab, Local News is open. I see an article that catches my eyes. Boy and Family Found Maliciously Murdered in San Francisco.  I open the tab and read it. They talked to my parents and they said I never came home. What made them ask was the 'Happy Birthday Isabella <3' written in blood everywhere.

   I read the article over and over for about an hour. I finally get up and go to the living room. There is a few baby toys in a neat box and a flat screen. I go through the DVR and find lots of children shows. I feel like he's trying to tell me something.

   I roll my eyes and turn the TV off. I look at the door and decide to peek outside. What I see isn't San Francisco. I'm in San Jose. If I run, I'd have nowhere to go. I'm trapped here. Forever.


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