Chapter 12

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    "Jonathan. What happened?"

   "Nothing, love. Don't worry about it. " I let out a deep breath as we reach the house. When we pulled up, Jonathan quickly paced towards the house, leaving the front door wide open.

   "Mommy!" I hear Xander cry from the inside of the car. I quickly open the back door and unbuckle the crying child. "I thought you weft me!" He cries. I shake my head. He is in desperate need of a nap.

   I walk inside and close the door. After laying Xander down for a nap, I look for Jonathan. I find him in our bedroom looking for a shirt.

   "Hello, love. " I say quietly. He looks up at me. "What's wrong?"

   Jonathan sighs and looks at me with his jade green eyes. "Isabella, you just need to stop worrying. "

    "How can I, Jonathan?! You're putting Xander in danger. " I sigh and sit on the bed, placing my head in my hands. "You need to stop." I notice the tears streaming down my eyes.

   Jonathan walks over to me with an angry expression. "Isabella," He says, his voice layered with steel. "I told you not to worry. "

    I throw my hands in the air and get up. Jonathan pushes me roughly on the bed. "Jonathan! What are you-"

   "Shut up, bitch. I told you not to worry!" I sit up and Jonathan slaps me. I scream out in pain as he punches my right side hard.

   "Please! Stop!" He pushes himself on top of me. "What are you doing?"

   "I'm so sorry, Bell. " My heart beats rapidly in my chest. "Don't leave me. "

   "Jonathan. I told you I wouldn't leave you." I rub Jonathan's head. For once, I feel sadness for him. He loves me but if I stay with him, he won't stop injuring me.

   "Do you love me, Isabella?" He asks seriously and looks up at me. "Look me in the eyes and answer. "

   I sigh. "I love you, Jonathan. "

   Jonathan holds onto my body, obviously not wanting to let me go. "You don't love me. I don't see the truth in your eyes. I want you to love me again. Like the day we met. " I tense a bit. Am I really that easy to read?

   "I'm sorry, Jonathan." I choke out. Tears well in my eyes.

   "I'll make you love me. "  He looks up at me. The look in his eyes shatters my heart. I could never love Jonathan. He's my kidnapper. A murderer. I'd never love him. I want him locked up. For good.

   I need to get me and Xander out of here.

   Jonathan gets up and walks out of the room silently. I walk out and into Xander's room. I hear the front door slam shut and the car's engine start up.

   I rub my thumb over Xander's head as a few silent tears spill over my eyelids and down my face, dripping onto my yellow sundress. I hear a knock at the door, which makes me jump. My feet carry me downstairs and to the door. I answer to the deputy.

   "Hi, deputy. What's wrong?"

   "Where's Jonathan? I need a word with him."

   "I-I don't know. He left literally a minute before you arrived. Want to come in and chat? I don't know what's going on." I answer truthfully.

   He thinks for a moment. "Sure. "

   I lead the deputy into the dark house and turn on the living room light. "Sorry for the toys. Xander is a messy one." I let out a breathy laugh.

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