Chapter 16

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   (A/N- I decided on a time skip. I am dearly sorry if you are upset about that. You may continue! Enjoy! *Large hand gesture*)

   3 Days Later

   Today is the last day I will see this large room for this reason. It will be the last time I deal with the devil himself. The last day I need to worry about being murdered by Jonathan right in front of everyone.

   I sit in the same spot, looking at the same wall, here for the same reason. Today. Today's the last day I deal with Jonathan. Him haunting my every dream. His image in my mind everyday.

   Everybody stands, including me, when the judge enters the large room. The sound of the gavel pounding against the table echoes off of the large, wooden walls. The judge starts talking, I ignore the words. The words are always the same. She tells everybody the situation, what we're doing today, and how far we are in the case. The only thing different about today was that she told the 'audience' that we are coming to a close. The case is ending. No more Jonathan.

   Jonathan and I finish the rest of whatever questions were left, which were basically none. All of the witnesses have already spoke. We sit down and the jury starts to chat quietly. One of them stands and begins the charges.

   "The jury finds the defendant Jonathan Ryan, guilty on the charge of 7 counts of murder in the 2nd degree." I let go of a relieved sigh. The feeling of a large weight rolls off of my shoulders. Jonathan looks unchanged. His expression still the same. He looks like he just had a walk in the park on a lovely afternoon rather than just being accounted for murder. "The jury finds Jonathan Ryan guilty on the charge of kidnapping. " Jonathan's expression quickly changes. He goes from relaxed to tense quite fast.

   A few whispers are heard from around the room. The judge pounds her gavel once more. "Order in the court!" She yells, silencing every soul in the room. "Mr. Ryan, would you like your sentencing to take part now or another day this week?"

   "Today." He snaps rudely.

   "Very well, then." The judge gathers her papers into a pile. "I would like to call a quick recess with the lawyers." Jonathan and I's lawyers stand up and follow the judge to her office. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jonathan being guarded by some policemen. Jonathan looks angrier than I've ever seen him. His jaw clenched, face red in anger. His fists are balled on the table. His head snaps to look in my direction. He doesn't notice I was looking at him.

   The judge comes into the room with the lawyers. She takes her seat on the large stand and clears her throat. The room falls into a silence. It's so silent, you could hear a small pin drop on the table.

   "Jonathan Ryan has been sentenced with a lifetime in Napa Valley Institute for reason of insanity. No parole will be granted within the years he is in the institute. " My stomach starts flipping like a loopy rollercoaster that won't stop. The courtroom starts turning into the hallway of a high school. Everybody murmuring to their friends and family, almost in a gossiping tone. "Court adjourned!" She beats her gavel once, loudly, and steps from the stand.

   I stand on my wobbly legs and hug Max. Tears well in my eyes from happiness. Max runs his hand through my hair lightly. "It's over, Max. I'm free." I smile in a grin that goes from ear to ear. "He's going to be put away for life." I whisper to myself, trying to feel the situation to make sure it was real and not all just a dream.

   I pull away from Max and watch as Jonathan's stiff body is pushed out of the large courtroom. My mom and dad walk up to me, smiling widely as I am. Xander is in my mom's hands. He doesn't understand anything, yet he's as happy as everyone else.

   "Momma!" He reaches out for me. I grab him from my mom's hands and lift him up. He giggles loudly as I lift him in the air like a small airplane. I pull him to my chest and hug him tightly. I kiss his head repeatedly as he just laughs and giggles. His happiness mixes in with mine, making the room seem that much brighter.

   Max and I walk into the large press crowd hand in hand. I hold Xander to my body tightly as I pass the large crowd. When we reach the car, the crowd sees to follow along. I quickly climb into the backseat and buckle Xander in. Max starts the car and we drive slowly through the crowd of reporters and journalists. I sit in the backseat with Xander all the way to the house.

   Xander is in deep sleep as we reach the house. He sleeps all the way into the house. I lay him in his bed and walk out. Max kisses me and hugs me tightly.

   "This is all because of you. If it weren't for you, I'd still trapped with Jonathan. Probably dead by now. " Max smiles.

   "It wasn't all me, Isabella. A large part was you. Imagine if you didn't call the police. If you just waited until he woke up and apologized, told him you loved him and that you were sorry. You'd be stuck there forever. It was both of us. Mainly you. " Max explains, his arms still wrapped around my waist loosely.

   "I love you, Max."

   "I love you, Isabella. "


   Woohoo! Part 1 of book is done. BTW, I don't know much about the way court works, therefore, if I got ANY information wrong, then please forgive me. Also, I do not own anything on the new cover. The only thing new is the girl. Sorry about changing her mid-story. I couldn't find the same girl I used before when I remade the cover. I made the new cover due to the sides being cut off.


   Okay, I AM NOT doing a sequel. I have done heavy thinking and decided on making 2 parts of the story. In my opinion, sequels are always irritating because you have to search and wait even longer for the book to finish so, this is my decision. I am going to add the sequel to make it just one big book.

   NEXT PART COMING SOON! (Most likely tomorrow)

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