Chapter 11

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   3 years later

   "Mommy! Mommy!" I hear Xander yell as he jumps up and down on my bed. I open my eyes and smile at the little Xander. He looks a lot like Jonathan. He has a few of my traits, including stubborn attitude and my chocolate brown eyes.

   I sit up in bed. "Where's your dad?" I ask him. It's true, I still live with Jonathan. I didn't have the heart to leave him. I still despise of him. My act of love isn't as big as it was when I was pregnant. I'm more stubborn with him and I don't say 'I love you' often. I try to find something to distract Jonathan so I don't have to say it.

   Xander shakes his head. "Come downstairs. " He says with a big grin. Today is my 22nd birthday. I knew Jonathan planned something. He always did.

   I set Xander on my bed and change into my tight fitting yellow sundress and white ballet flats. I lost all of my baby weight soon after Xander turned 1. Jonathan and I are engaged. I haven't wanted to get married to him yet.

   I hold Xander on my hip as I walk downstairs. I set him down at the bottom. He reaches to grab my hand and I take his. He points to the kitchen door.

   I walk in and Jonathan yells, "Happy birthday!" along with Xander. I laugh and pick up Xander.

   Jonathan walks over to me and gives me a kiss. I hear Xander make a weird noise. We both look at him and he has a disgusted look on his face. "Eww!" He yells.

   "You won't be saying that when you're 13. " Jonathan says with a wink. He slaps my butt as I walk by and I let out a laugh, trying to make it not sound forced.

   "Thank you guys. " I say as I sit down. Jonathan walks up with a plate of pancakes and bacon.

   "Perfect breakfast for the perfect girl." Jonathan whispers. I kiss him lightly.

   "Hey I'm perfect, too!" Xander exclaims. Jonathan laughs and hands him his own plate of pancake pieces and bacon. Xander likes his pancakes cut into little pieces.

   After Jonathan, Xander, and I finish eating, we all go into the living room. Xander starts playing with his toys while Jonathan and I sit on the couch listening to Bob the Builder.

   "I'm gonna go shopping today."  I tell Jonathan.

   He frowns. "Why? It's your birthday, Bell. You shouldn't be doing stuff. You're a princess. Princesses don't work for the castle."

   "Yes they do and I'm fine with my duties. I needed to go yesterday but forgot. Xander kept me up all night. " Jonathan hesitates and then nods. He's still a bit uncomfortable with me leaving him.

   "I wanna come!" Xander yells. Jonathan and I burst into laughter.

   "Okay. You can come. Maybe later we can go to the park with daddy. If he doesn't have work?" I state more a question.

   "Nope. We'll go to the park. Then out for dinner. "


   As I buckle Xander up into his car seat, Jonathan comes up behind me. "Are you sure you can't do it later? I can do it. " I look at Jonathan and give him a kiss.

   "You will be fine. I'm only going to be out for at the most an hour. Anything goes wrong, call me. " He nods and walks back into the house. He's always been possessive.

   When I arrive at the store, I go and pick out the stuff I need. As I look at a cute shirt for Xander, I accidentally knock into someone.

   "Oh my goodness. I am so clumsy." I look up and see the last person I'd expect to see. Max.

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