Chapter 14

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   2 Weeks Later

   I walk into the warm house with Xander on my hip. He was smiling brighter than the sun

   I've been at home for about a week. My home. Today is Xander's 4th birthday. He's happier than I've ever seen him.

   "I'm home mom!" I yell into the house. I smell Xander's cake cooking.

   My mom's face appears around the corner. Xander smiles wide. "Gamma!" He reaches his hands out for her. I carefully let him go and into my mom's arms. I've been afraid for anyone to touch Xander, even my own parents.

   "When is the court date?"

   "Uhm, the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to talk to the judge. Of course, Xander is in my custody, even when Jonathan gets out of prison. If he does." She smiles with hope in her eyes.

   Jonathan is to be sent to court. The judge I talked with today told me that Jonathan has too much evidence to not get any time anywhere. That gives me hope for the first time in a long while.

   My dad walks through the door and hangs up his coat. "Hello Dear." He kisses my mom and me on the cheek. "How's my little man?" He loves Xander. They've been playing together a lot

   "Gampa!" Xander wraps his arms around my dad's neck.

   "What did the judge say?" My dad asks in a low voice.

    "Jonathan has to be on trial the day after tomorrow. " My dad gives a half smile. "I'm going to go up to my room and make a call. Can you keep Xander for a while?"

   "Of course, Hun. I'll be delighted. I need his help frosting the cake anyways. " Xander laughs and claps his hands. I kiss him and run upstairs. I pull out my cell phone and type the number I've learned by heart.

   "Hello?" His accent rings through my ears.

   "Hey Max. Do you wanna hang out and chat? I need to talk to you."

   Max and I have been talking a lot lately. He was the one who called the deputy and told him about Jonathan and his insane ways.

   "Do you even have to ask, love?" I giggle. "Of course. Meet me at the small coffee shop."

   An hour later, I was driving to the coffee shop around the corner of my street. I see Max sitting with two coffees. I sit in front of him and he smiles.

   "Hello, Isabella. What's wrong?"

   "Hey Max. Uhm, I needed to talk to you about Jonathan. "

   He leans in and listens. "Lay it on me."

   "Well, his trial is the day after tomorrow. I'm going to need you to come with me. You make me feel safer. " He smiles and rubs my leg.

   "Yes. I will. I also have a question for you. "

   "Lay it on me. " I mock his accent. He chuckles and smiles at me with his beautiful smile.

   "Well, we've been hanging out a lot lately. I was wondering if you wanted to maybe...go out?" He scratches the back of his neck nervously. He reminds me of a teenage boy asking out his school crush.

   "Yes Max. I'll go out with you. " He smiles and I return it. "I just am sort of a wreck so you'll just have to handle that. "

   "For you, I'll do anything. " I laugh.

   "You're cheesy. But you're lucky I like cheesy. "

   For another hour, Max and I talked and talked. I checked my phone and frowned. "I have to go. It's Xander's birthday. " I look up at Max and see he frowns as well. "Unless you want to come with. " His frown turns into a smile.

   "Let's go. "


   As Max and I walk up to the door, my mom answers with a messy Xander in her arms.

   "Isabella Rose. Where have you been?" Her tone is sharp but quiet.

   I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I was out with Max. He was the one who saved me by telling the police about the murders. "

   Her face softens. "It's so nice to meet you, son." She shakes Max's hand and we walk inside. I take my little messy Xander and kiss his frosted blue nose, causing my lips to become blue.

   "You ready to take a bath?" Xander shakes his head. I fake a frown. "Why is that?"

   "Dat means I gotta go to bed after. " His little voice answers.

   "Xander, you are not going to bed after this bath. It's you're birthday. We're gonna celebrate. " His face lights up and he nods, wanting to take a bath. "Max, can you help set up for the cake. I just gotta give little one here a bath."

   "No Isabella. You and Max can go set up. I'll give Xander a bath." My mom says while taking the dirty Xander from my hands. She walks upstairs as Max and I walk into the kitchen. We start setting up for Xander's cake. When we finish, my mom comes downstairs in a new shirt and pants while holding Xander, who is in pajamas. Her hair is soaking wet. "You know, your son is hard to bathe. He's like bathing an 80 pound dog. " I laugh and grab Xander. He yawns and rubs his eyes.

   "Awe, tired already, baby?" He nods. "Let's go eat some cake "

   After eating some birthday cake and putting Xander to bed, I plop onto the couch. I lay my head on Max's lap and close my eyes as he plays with my hair.

   I wake up on the couch, a soft blanket wrapped around my shoulders. A note on the table reads, 'Sorry I had to leave, Bella. I'll make sure to pick you up for Jonathan's trial tomorrow. We'll have to talk on the phone tonight. I'll be working all day. Call me tonight, babe.

   I smile and place the note in my pocket. Jonathan's trial. He's finally going to be locked in prison for the rest of his miserable life. Just one day away.

   I get up and walk into my room. I quietly put on a black pencil skirt with a white button up shirt. I put on my regular shiny black high heels that I used when seeing the judge and walk out my door. I leave a note saying that I'm leaving to talk to the judge and to watch Xander.

   I climbed into the driver seat of my car and turn the engine on. I drive to the courthouse and walk up to the secretary.

   "I'm here to see Judge Barbara. We have an appointment in 5 minutes. " The lady nods and types some stuff on her computer. I walk through the metal detector and into the judge's office. She smiles when she sees me.

   "Hello Isabella. How are you?"

   "Good," I sit in the chair across from her. "Xander's birthday was yesterday. "

   She smiles warmly. "That's sweet. How old is he now? 4?" I nod lightly. "Okay. We were informed last night that Jonathan is acting more erratic. He calls for you and becomes angry at random moments. I'm not sure if he'd be stable in jail. He might kill someone." My heart leaps in my throat.


   "Oh, of course he'll still be punished. If not by death, then he'll be sent to a mental institution. " I calm down.

   "So, what am I needed for?"

   "Well, you're going to have to tell your whole story. You may shorten it. No matter. I just...didn't know if you could handle that. "

   "Oh, of course. I hope you don't mind a few tears. " She shakes her head.

   "I know your situation, Isabella. " She leans in closer. "I was kidnapped once. I escaped then moved on to become a judge. I help people with things that have happened to me. " I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "I know you'll win, Isabella. "


   Sorry it's taken me so long to write this story. I was writer blocked.

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