Chapter 6

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   "Excuse me?" I ask Max. He still holds me to his chest.

   "Isabella Rose. You were kidnap-"

   Jonathan walks into the awkward situation and looks at Max with rage. "Why is my girl on you?!" He yells as he rips me away from Max.

   "L-love. It's okay. I almost fell when I ran into him and he caught me. You happened to walk in at the moment he caught me." I go onto my toes and kiss him lightly on the lips.

   Remind me to burn my lips later.

   Jonathan looks down at me with loving eyes and I relax. "Okay. Let's go watch some TV. " Jonathan and I start walking into the living room. I feel Max touch my butt. I realize he put a small piece of paper into my back pocket. I look at it secretly to where Jonathan can't see it and see the door pin number.


   At 1, Max finished and left. Jonathan paid him and sat back down.

   "When do you go back to work?"

   "I took the rest of the week off. I'm going back tomorrow. " Jonathan holds my hand and lays his head on my lap. I look down at him slightly. I smile and not because I love Jonathan. No, I smile because I'm getting out.


   After Jonathan and I have a decent dinner, we both go upstairs and get into bed. I stay up all night thinking of getting out of the house.

   The next morning when I wake up, I look at the clock and see it's 1 PM. I walk downstairs and see a note on the fridge.

   'Coming home at 1. Wanted to see you earlier. See you then baby.'

   My heart drops. I run upstairs and put on some skinny jeans and a hoodie, not taking time to change my shirt.

   I run to the door and enter the pin quickly. When the door opens, I see Jonathan with his key in the door. My mouth hits the floor. I manage to run past the shocked Jonathan and run down the street. I soon hear footsteps running after me.

   My heart starts beating out of my chest as I run down the street. My pace starts slowing after 5 minutes of running. I hear Jonathan get closer. I'm going to get caught again. Who knows what he'll do this time.

   Jonathan tackles my small body to the ground. He flips me on my back.

   "What the hell Isabella?" He says quietly.

   I try to slip out of the bottom of him with no luck. "Hel-" Jonathan puts a hand over my mouth and picks me up. I feel blood trickle down my pinkie from the impact of the cement. He keeps a hand over my mouth while we walk to the house. When we get inside, Jonathan throws me on the ground. I grasp my ankle as it twists. I cry out in pain and try to drag myself into the living room.

   "Where you going, bitch?" Jonathan yells at me. He towers over me and I shield my face with my hands.

   He kicks my stomach hard. The breath gets knocked out of me when he picks me up and throws me to the stairs. I cough and feel bile rise into my throat. I try to drag myself up the stairs, however, Jonathan grabs my bad ankle and drags me down the stairs. The impact from the stairs hitting my head makes me dizzy. I vomit on the hardwood and fall to the side. The world fades away and I fight to stay awake.

   I feel a sharp pain in my calf that makes me scream in agony. Hot tears pour out of my closed eyes. I manage to open them and see a knife sticking out of my leg. Jonathan pulls it out which makes me scream louder. I feel the blood pour out of my injured calf. The light finally starts dimming and I fall unconscious.

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