Note-Just a Way to Brighten Your Day/Night

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This isn't a chapter, I'm sorry, however I just though this was an important note. I'm going to be posting this on all of my published books.

   So lately I've been thinking about depression and people who deal with that. None of you know this however I want to become a psychiatrist for depressed teens when I'm older. I may only be 14 however I don't like the things I've seen throughout my life. People who talk about their self harm scars or people saying how worthless and useless they are. There's many things I find wrong with that.

   I know depression isn't something you can just get rid of. You can't tell someone to be happy if they deal with any level of depression. It's like telling a blind person to see or a disabled person to walk. It just doesn't work.

   Last year I went through my depression stage and everyday I felt worthless and like nobody cared for me. I thought about death and how better off the world would be without me. My mom and dad along with friends and other family members like my aunts and grandma helped me fight through that. I've never cut myself intentionally before and I've never attempted suicide.

   What I'm trying to say is that I know what it feels like to want to kill yourself and if I may say, it's terrible. It's like feeling as if the whole world is against you, fighting you and killing from the inside out and not the outside in. It's a battle that is tough to win. However it's possible.

   The way I'm going to try to brighten your day is if you deal with any depression, little or small, is by telling you why suicide isn't the right decision and why you shouldn't have to deal with self harm.

   In my 14 years growing up, I've never met one person who hasn't played an important role in my life. For example, my mother is my role model and the sister I never had. My best friend has taught me that you don't need a boyfriend/girlfriend to love someone with all of your heart. The enemies in my life have helped me grow into the person I am today. I know I'm still not the greatest person, I sin everyday, I have cursed, I've done somethings that I probably wouldn't do again however, myself is still a growing person that just needs a little more water and sunlight (Metaphors, lol)

   Just like you, you're still growing. If you're young or old, you're still growing. You're a piece of clay that will continue to shape into something beautiful. And if you end that soon, you won't get to see the beauty that is inside and out of you.

  If you're depressed and thinking of suicide or self harming yet another lonely night, remember this:

   You are important. As simple as that. You may be a best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, brother, husband, wife, mother, father, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, or even the reason someone is smiling stupidly at a text you sent them. You are not worthless. You are not useless. You are beautiful, strong, independent, and the reason I'm writing stories. You, the readers, are a huge importance in my life. With each new reader or follower or vote I get, I'm happy. I fill with joy. Because I'm doing something I love for people who enjoy it as well. I've discovered doing something you love, writing songs to volunteering at the local animal shelter, makes you really happy. More than anything.

   I know this is probably long, boring, and pointless to you however to me, this is everything to me. It's what's on my mind and what eats at me. It's why I'm still awake. It's 2:50 in the morning and the first thing I thought about was how I could make someone smile even a little bit. My main reason to create this long note was to explain why you shouldn't be sad. As I stated before, that's not always easy. It is possible though. And I may have just made someone's day. I sure hope so because making someone else's day makes my day shine bright.

   The last thing I want to say before I end this is please don't hurt yourself. The girl starving herself for so-called beauty and calling you 'fat' isn't important. The person kicking you when you're already down isn't important. The person that is important, is you. In every way, shape, or form. You might be the reason someone doesn't die. You are definitely going to be the reason to make a man/woman happy on your wedding day. Even if you don't think so, it's probably true. (Unless you're asexual.) Still, you're important.

   If you read the whole thing, I'm sorry and thank you so much. I honestly hope I made your day/night. Just always remember what Doctor Who said, "900 years of time and space, and I've never met anyone who wasn't important." (Yes he may be fictional yet that's totally true.)

   I love ALL of you with my heart. Thank you so much for reading my lovelies. Always remember what Aunty Tie told you. YOU ARE INPORTANT!!!


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