Chapter 31

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   "Isabella!" I hear a distant voice call. It sounds like...

   "Taylor?" I ask, my voice still tired and quiet. I feel a warm hand cover my mouth.

   "Do you want me to hurt you?" A man whispers in my ear. I tighten my fist and try to hit whoever is holding me down. "Stop it, Isabella." Jonathan?

   "Help me." I try to scream. I feel weak and half awake. Something covers my mouth. It smells like...

   "Stop!" I push away his hand and try to stand up. That is, until I realize I'm in a tree. I am about to scream until Jonathan holds the rag tightly to my nose and mouth. The world slips quickly. I fight against Jonathan to stay awake. I manage to push his hand away. He curses at me as I kick him in the shin with my heel. I roll off to the side and to the hard ground. It doesn't feel like I was that far away from the ground . "Taylor!" I try to scream. Everything is blurry and I cant walk in a straight line. 

   "Isabella?" I hear a familiar voice exclaim. Someone grabs me and slaps my face really hard. I instantly become more aware. "Where's Jonathan?" Taylor asks in panic. My brain still has a slight fuzz to it. 

   "I was talking to you and then someone knocked me out. Then I was in a..." I look around up in the trees. Taylor catches on and looks up in the trees. How far did I walk? 

   "Where were you, Bella?" Taylor asks me while looking around.

   "I'm not sure. He's probably moving away from us. We have to find him and end this." Taylor nods in agreement. We both rush through the trees in search for Jonathan. Taylor and I stop for a minute and lean against some trees. We stay quiet and listen. I hear some twigs breaking and we both instantly run that way. Jonathan can be seen not far up ahead. He's running however he's slowing down. Must be because of his injuries. 

   "Jonathan! Stop running!" Taylor yells to him. Jonathan trips over something and somersaults. Taylor runs to him and pins him to the ground. Jonathan laughs and spits up blood onto the ground. He's insane. 

   "You can't ever catch me! I'll escape from any prison you put me in!" Jonathan screams. Taylor slaps him across the face hard. He just laughs more and spits out more blood. Jonathan looks at me and smiles. "Hello beautiful. Come to join the party?" He pulls out a knife and lunges it at Taylor. Taylor moves out of the way in time for it to miss. Jonathan tries to stand up and ends up falling back to the ground. He yells profanities in pain and grabs his knee. I walk over to Taylor and look down at Jonathan. I kick him in the stomach hard. He starts coughing.

   "You mother fucker!" I scream at him. I kick him again and again as the tears start to flow. "You ruined my life!" Jonathan starts puking up blood. It's a horrendous sight however he needs to suffer. Just like he made me suffer. Taylor pulls me away from Jonathan. If he wouldn't have I would've kept going. "Let me kill him!" I scream at Taylor. He shushes me softly and holds onto me.

   "Snap out of it, Isabella!" He finally yells at me. I stop screaming and fall to the ground. Tears streak my face. Taylor strokes my brunette hair softly. Before looking back at Jonathan. He kicks him hard in the stomach and runs his hand through his hair. 

   "What was that for?" I ask him. My tears start to subside quickly.

   "He's a jerk. He deserved it." I laugh and stand up. I wipe the tears off of my face and walk over to Taylor. All of a sudden, Taylor falls to the ground and starts screaming. My heart seems to stop for a minute. He pulls a knife out of his leg and throws it to the side. Jonathan laughs and slowly sits up. I think quickly and grab the gun from Taylor. I cock the gun before shooting Jonathan in the leg. He begins to scream in agonizing pain again and holds onto his knee, where the bullet hit. End this. Shoot him in the head. End this. End this. END THIS! I clutch onto my head as the voices become louder and louder. 

   "Go away!" I scream. My mind silences, leaving a migraine behind. Taylor stands up and leans on his uninjured leg. 

   "A-are you alright?" He leans on my shoulder. I nod.

   "You?" He shakes his head.

   "We have to get out of here. Now." He pulls on my arm. I stay still and stare at Jonathan. He stares back at me intently. In that moment, I feel like we're the only two people there. Blood covers his mouth and runs down his chin. Oh how I want to see how much blood is on the inside. I slowly raise the gun up to Jonathan and aim it right for his head. Everything seems to slow down as I cock the gun. Fear fills Jonathan's eyes. It's satisfying being the one he fears. Being the one who will end this scums life. 

   "You put me through hell, Jonathan." He starts trying to drag his body away from me. I just laugh at his poor attempt and slowly walk closer to him. "You kidnapped me, impregnated me, the kidnapped my only child. My husband is on his death bed because of you. And now, I'm crazy. Look what you made Jonathan." I lower my voice to a whisper. "Are you satisfied?" I grin widely at him and slowly pull the trigger. The sound echoes off of the trees and into the silent air. "Did you want this, Jonathan?" I whisper to the nothingness.


   I am sad to say this however, it's over. I finished the book! I'm excited! This was a long book and I had fun writing it! Don't worry, though. THERE WILL BE ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!! I AM WRITING AN EPILOGUE!!!! 


P.S- Don't forget about the explanation chapter ;) if you have ANY questions, please ask. And please don't be mean. That makes me sad when people are mean.


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