The Witness- Sample

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*Hey everyone! Here is the first chapter of my new book that will be out soon.*

Everything is dark except for the occasional sidewalk light that I pass. My heart beat booms in my ears. The night is silent and the air is crisp. It's so quiet that it feels as if I can hear the blood rush through my veins. I take a deep breath and push my ear buds in my ears. The sound of random music fills my ears. I take a deep breath and blow out hot air. A thin cloud of fog blows out of my mouth and dissipates instantly. The temperature is probably lower than 50 degrees.

   My dirty blonde hair blows into my face as a strong wind blows the right side of me. I frantically try to fix my straight, messy hair. So much for having a good hair day.

   I walk further down the sidewalk. I'm only a few minutes away from my apartment. The walk has never felt this long before. I feel as if I've been walking for an hour even though my work is a mere thirty minute walk from my apartment.

   "Stop! Please! He-" I hear a woman scream. Her cries are cut short by the sound of gurgling. I know I don't live in the greatest area however that isn't something you hear everyday.

   I run towards the sound and grip onto my phone. When I reach the scene, I stop in my tracks. My small flip phone is gripped tightly in the palm of my hand. I've already typed the numbers 9-1-1. However, I am frozen in place an unable to click the 'call' button.

   The scene in front of me is a gruesome sight. A large man in a dark mask stands over a woman. The same woman who screamed. Her whole torso is bloody. The source of the blood is from the deep cut in her throat. Next to her lays a bloodied box cutter.

   "Hey, you!" A deep voice yells. I look up at the man and see him running towards me. The phone in my hand falls to the ground. The battery falls out of the back.

   One moment I'm standing and watching the man run after me and the next I'm running as fast as my feet will go. I'm running back towards my work. Someone else should be there. Abbey was the one closing tonight. If I make it back in time, I could get inside and be safe.

   My breathing becomes heavier and my legs ache. I must keep running. If I stop, then I'm dead.

   My speed begins to slow down and my feet fumble. I almost trip and fall onto my face. The building is in view. Just a little bit further.

   I reach the doors and slam my body into them. The doors are....locked. I begin panicking. I look behind me and see the man running faster than I've ever seen a man his size run. I try to pry the doors open however nobody answers. Everybody's gone.

   "Help me!" I scream and begin running again. I run towards the police station. I know that I'd never make it in time. It's at least two miles away.

   Run. Breathe. Run. Breathe. I keep reminding myself as my pace begins to slow. The sound of my heart beating deeply fills my ears and blocks out almost all noise. All noise except the sound of the pair of feet running towards me at full speed. A speed faster than me. If I don't find an open store or even a car I will die. I'm not a fast runner. Hell, I haven't run this fast since I was in high school.

   "H-help!" I manage to scream past my heavy breathing. I'm gonna die. Oh Lord, I'm gonna die! All of my hope begins to seep out of me. I can't run any longer. I am going to die.

*Hope everyone liked it. This book will be posted as soon as possible. :-) *

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