Chapter 18

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   6 Months Later

   "Isabella, love! It's time to get up! Xander's hungry." Max says from the doorway to our room. I sit up and wipe my eyes with the balls of my hands.

   "What's wrong, babe?" I ask groggily.

   "Xander's hungry. You know I'm not a good chef." I laugh and sit up in the bed. I walk over to Max and kiss him.

   Max and I got married a month ago. Xander turned 5 a week after that. We all moved into a cute little house on the same street as my mom and dad the night of the wedding. Xander stayed with my parents that night. It's a two story, white house that is perfect for at least another child. The last time I heard about Jonathan was six months ago. He killed two people and tried escaping from the institute. They luckily caught him.  

   I walk downstairs and into the living room. Xander sits on the ground playing with some toy cars. He looks up and sees me. He quickly stands up and runs to me. I pick him up and give him a hug.

   "Momma! Daddy said you would give me food." Xander smiles, hopeful that I'll say yes.

   "Daddy was correct." Xander claps his hands and giggles in happiness. I ruffle his black hair and kiss his small nose. I walk into the large kitchen and set Xander on his booster seat. "Do you want cereal?"

   "Yes, pwease!" I laugh and take out a small bowl. I fill it with some Cheerios and add some milk. I place it in front of Xander. He starts eating it.

   "How hard was it to give the child cereal?" I ask Max as he walks into the kitchen. He wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my cheek.

   "He likes it better when you do it." I laugh and kiss Max.

   "Ewe momma! Grodie!" Xander sticks his tongue out. Max and I laugh and Xander joins in. I ruffle his jet black hair and kiss his forehead.

   "Can you watch Xander today? I need to go to the store today."

   "Of course. I'd be delighted to watch him." He smiles. I smile back.

   "Thank you do much." I walk away from the kitchen. "I'm going to get ready. Love you." Max nods and walks over to Xander. I run up the stairs and into my room. I pull out some faded blue jeans and a regular black T-shirt. I take a quick shower and pull on the clothes along with some black sneakers with a wedge on the inside. I walk downstairs and grab my purse.

   "You leaving now?" I nod and give Max a kiss. When I pull away, he gives me another one. I laugh and kiss Xander on the forehead.

   "I love you both. Don't ruin the house while I'm gone. "

   "Love you!" Max and Xander both call to me in unison. Xander starts giggling. I walk out and into my car.

   After shopping, I drive back to the house. The radio starts making alert noises so I turn it up.

   "This is channel 87.3 news. A man named Jonathan Ryan has been reported to have escaped from the Napa Mental Institution last night at 9:30. " My stomach starts making flips like I'm riding a rollercoaster with 20 consecutive loops. "He is reported to have dark black hair, green eyes, about 6 feet tall, and age 27. He is sentenced to a life in the Napa Institute but has only spent a year in it. If you see him, call the police immediately. Do not make any contact with him. He is armed and highly dangerous. Thanks for listening. You may return to your station. "

   I turn the radio off and hurry home. When I arrive, I quickly turn off the engine and rush inside. I open the door an look around. "Max! Where are you?!" I stay silent for a moment. When I walk into the living room, I she a note on the coffee table. Relief washes over me. Max must've taken Xander to the park.

   I pick up the note and read the words over an over three times. Every time I read the note, dread washes over me.

   'Hello my dear Isabella. If you're reading this, you've noticed that your beloved Max and Xander are gone. If you check the closet, Max should be in there. Don't worry, his death was slow and painful. Sadly, I couldn't stay and watch him bleed out to his death, however, I know by the time you make it home he'll be long gone.

   Xander is safely with me. I'm keeping our child for a while. You've had him long enough, might as well give you a break, right? I'll see you again, my love. -Jonathan'

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