Chapter 23

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    Blood soaks through my shirt. Jonathan drops me onto the ground and falls over. Taylor rushes over to him and handcuffs his bloody hand to his other one. I check my stomach and find not one cut. Only Jonathan's blood. Taylor didn't shoot me. He shot Jonathan in the hand. The one that was around my stomach.

   Policemen rush inside and pick the screaming Jonathan up. My eyes drift over to Xander, who is screaming and crying as well. A man helps me up from the ground and takes me out of the house. Everything seems to move in slow motion. It's like the world is slowly stopping and I'm not.

   I blink and everything changes. I'm sitting in an ambulance. A paramedic shines a small flashlight in my eyes. He asks me question upon question. I try to keep up, however that is a challenge when your brain is only half working.

   "We need to bring her to the hospital." I overhear the paramedic tell Taylor. He shakes his head and walks over to me.

   "How are you, Isabella?"

   "Fine. Where's Xander?" Panic rushes over me. Taylor lays his hand on my shoulder.

   "He's perfectly fine. We can visit him soon. He needs to be with some officials for a while while we deal with Jonathan. He's going to be located into a different asylum. Across the country. You're already safer." I nod. I'm basically free from him. All that's left is to ship Jonathan off to the crazy bin. He belongs there.

   "Am I going to the hospital?" Taylor shakes his head.

   "We never got to go out." He smiles. I laugh slightly, my brain still trying to think properly. I feel terrible. Going the hospital sounds like a terrible idea to me. I'll live.

   Taylor and I walk over to some policemen. He talks to them. I don't listen. They were basically talking about Jonathan and where he'd be going. All the way across the country. Away from me or Max or Xander. Away from my family.

   "We're going to have to take Isabella here with us. " One policeman tells Taylor. He's the one who lectured Taylor about bringing me back to the house that Jonathan captivated me in for years.

   "What? Why?" Taylor asks, exasperated.

   "We need to examine her. You can't take her this time, Taylor. You can't keep her with you forever. Not unless you're married or related." The cop explains to him. Taylor shakes his head.

   "I was taking care of her. I've only had her for two days. She can't stay in a hospital. She is fine." Taylor argues.

   "Taking care of her isn't almost getting her murdered twice. Twice, Taylor!" The cop takes my arm lightly  "How are you, Isabella? Are you alright with going to the hospital? Don't worry, you'll have your own room. No matter what you'll be one hundred percent safe." I think for a moment. The hospital. I hate it there. No matter what, I'll be safe. I guess that's good.

   "Okay. It's not like I have a choice, right?" The cop chuckles, nods, and takes me away. I wave to Taylor as he pulls me to the police car. He waves back slightly and walks to his car. Sadness fills inside of my heart some. Taylor was a good friend and I've only known him for about a week.

   "My name's Sheriff Daniel. Call me Daniel, though." I nod.

   "You already know who I am." He chuckles and nods. Not long after we come up to a building. The hospital that I know all too well. Daniel and I walk inside of the building. He talks to the lady in the front. I don't listen and just keep watching the people walk by. Nobody catches me so whatever.

   "Come on, Isabella." Daniel says to me. We walk with another lady to a hall of rooms. We walk to an area. A sign says it's the mental area. Great. The lady leads me into room number 14B. When I walk in, I examine the medium sized room. A small bathroom with a shower, toilet, and sink sits to the left of the wooden door. No mirror inside. The bed is twin sized and covered in a nice, clean, dark green blanket. A small, brown side table sits next to the bed. A cream lamp sits on it.

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