Chapter 9

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   Jonathan starts smiling like a boy on Christmas morning. I look in the mirror and see my face, eyes, everything shows not one emotion. I feel terrified, happy, and angry. I lift my shirt a bit and look at my stomach. Jonathan wraps his hands around me and kisses my neck. I fake a smile and walk out. My insides are still terrified. I'm having a child. Not just any child, Jonathan's child.

   I sit on the couch and Jonathan sits next to me and looks at me confused. "What's wrong Bell? You look like you just found out you're dying tomorrow. "

   I look at him and sigh. "I wasn't ready for this. I wanted to wait until I was at least 21. " He pulls me close to him and kisses me. I feel his breath on my neck.


   The rest of the day, I sit on the couch and think about the baby. No matter what, Jonathan is apart of me. I'd never get an abortion or give the baby up for adoption. It's just, I didn't do it in love. What if it looked like Jonathan? I'm planning on leaving him when I have more freedom. Now I'll have a child that's his. He'll be pulling me down without him even being near me.

   I know I sound selfish, but you'd to if you found out you're having your kidnappers baby.

   "Bell, come to bed. It's already 12 o'clock in the morning. " I get up and walk to the bedroom. I lay down and close my eyes.


   I wake up to the room dark. Jonathan's arm is wrapped around my stomach and his body is pressed against mine. I look at the clock. 6 o'clock.

   I try to sleep, but I can't. I slowly get out of Jonathan's grasp and walk to the kitchen. I eat some cereal and look at the table. I get up and walk into the living room. I turn on the TV and stare at it without paying attention, thinking about the next 9 months.


   8 months later

   I wake up with Jonathan's arms wrapped around my pregnant belly. I sigh and get up.

   The past 7 months has been hell. I've been playing love with Jonathan. He wants to get married after the baby is born. Of course when I also lose the extra baby weight.

   I haven't seen or heard from Max since Jonathan stabbed him. I've been watching the news for him. I haven't heard a thing yet. Just about him being found. They never said dead or alive. After my mom found out about me being pregnant, her and my father both gave me permission to live with Jonathan without question on when I got pregnant.

   Jonathan notices my struggle to get off of the bed. He sits up and helps me up. I mentally sigh while I get dressed.

   I walk downstairs and eat some Captain Crunch, one of my main craves. Jonathan comes in wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt.

   "Morning beautiful." I fake a smile.

   "Good morning, babe." I reply. He drinks a cup of coffee and grabs his coat and keys.

   "Oh yeah. My boss is coming over for dinner. He's coming to congratulate us on the baby. His wife offered to help cook."

   "Sounds fun. What time?"


   At 5 o'clock, I get dressed into my jade green maternity dress. I put on some black earrings and necklace to match my black ballet flats.

   I waddle downstairs and into the kitchen. Jonathan is sitting at the table, reading the newspaper. He looks up and I kiss him lightly. The doorbell rings and I go to open it. Yes, Jonathan got the lock off.

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