Chapter 4

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   I walk upstairs and sit on the bed in 'our' room. At 3, I hear the door open. I hear frantic running upstairs. Jonathan opens the door and sighs.

   "Baby, why are you sitting in the dark?"

   "I'm not your baby." I snap back.

   He walks over to me and holds my chin lightly. He brushes his lips on mine. I hit his hand away and pull back. His eyes fill with anger. He attacks me and starts kissing me aggressively.

   "Jonathan! Stop!" I'm able to get out. He continues and starts unbuckling his belt. I try to get out from under him. I manage to slide out and run to the bathroom. I lock the door and run to the far wall.

   Jonathan starts pounding on the door furiously. "What the hell, Isabella. Open the door. " My chest rises and falls fast. I don't say anything. Jonathan starts slamming against the door. I scream and hold my ears and fall to the floor. I hear wood crack and look up. Jonathan makes a hole in the door and unlocks the door. He runs in and picks me up.

   He throws me on the bed and hits my right side. I curl into a ball and scream. When Jonathan stops, I dare to open my eyes. He sits on the end of the bed with his head in his hands. "See what happens when you don't follow directions? Damn, Bell. You okay?" He looks up at me.

   "Oh yea, I'm just dandy. It's not like I didn't just get beat!" I yell sarcastically. Jonathan gets up and walks out. I push up against the headboard. I bring my knees to my head and silently cry.


   I wake up, not realizing I fell asleep. I'm laying down and Jonathan isn't in bed. It's 12 A.M.  I quietly get up and walk to the bathroom slowly. My side is on fire from being hit.

   I lift up my shirt and look at the bruises. There is a long line of dark purple bruises on my right side.

   "I'm sorry, Bell." I jump at Jonathan's voice. He walks to me with an icepack and aspirin. He slowly lays the pack on my right side. I flinch at the coldness hitting my skin. Jonathan gives me a cup of water and I take the pills. He looks at me with guilty eyes. He better be guilty.

   I walk out of the room and walk to the dining room. I lean against the table as a tear spills over. I feel strong arms wrap around me. "I love you, Bell. " I let out a sarcastic laugh.

   "Right." I mutter as I walk out and into the room. I lay down with the icepack and fall back asleep.


   My eyes flutter open slowly. I sit up in the bed and look at the clock. 10 A.M. I walk downstairs slowly and walk into the kitchen. On the fridge is a note.

   'Mornin' Bell. Went to work. See you at 4. Working extra today. Love you.' The note reads. I scoff and walk out. I longingly look at the door. I ignore my side and run upstairs. I grab a pair of shorts and one of Jacob's big hoodies. A tear escapes my eye as I smell Jacob on the jacket. I pull the hood over my head and put on some black converse. I take some aspirin and walk outside slowly.

   I walk down the sidewalk. I try to hide my face as I reach another street. After walking for 30 minutes, I reach town. I go to a payphone and use some extra change from the dresser to call my mom.

   "Hello?" My mom's sad voice cracks into the phone.

   "Oh my gosh, mom. Are you okay?"

   "Isabella? Where are you baby? I'm coming!" My mom says frantically.

   "I'm in San Jose. I can't run from him much longer. He's coming back at 4. I'm on Rose Street. (A/N idk if that's a real street.)" I explain.

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