Chapter 23: Limitations of Power

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''That was shadow magic again wasn't it? That creepy eye glowing sign?'' Rain pattered against the window panes outside the two story house. Your parents had leave the house to you for a couple of days due to errands and work of course. It was always work. The dead aren't going any where but it seems that death was busy at the moment and had no time for breaks. ''I won't ask as to what you did to that guy, considering the last time you did it ended up keeping me up at night.'' You gave a weary glance down at the golden puzzle around his neck.

It frightened you. How it was created. Where it came from. How many people were sacrificed in order to create it? And there were 7 of them. The thought bothered you greatly. ''Atem?'' Violet eyes blinked at you in question. ''...How were the millennium items made? It couldn't had been with just ancient magic alone. And, from what you and Vanin had told me, you two hate the Egyptian gods with a passion.'' The spirit took human form, now leaning against your bedroom door eyes closed in thought. Frankly, he knew this question would pop up sooner or later. He was hoping later rather than now of all times.

''Originally? They were created by my family long before I was born. All I remember was my grandfather telling me that they were created from the blood of the unworthy who would bring harm and darkness to the kingdom, so I thought very little of it.'' His sharp eyes then turned towards you in slight curiosity. ''Why do you ask this?'' you kick your feet back and forth, staring down at the carpet rug. ''This blood. This wouldn't happen to be about Vanin's father right? He did seem real angry about him.'' ''He hates his father for killing his mother soon after he was born. When my father was still alive, he destroyed his village and slaughtered everyone. He wouldn't say anything else other than vowing to kill him with the same sword he gave to him when he was old enough to walk.''

''But does he blame you indirectly? For your father's mistakes?'' his eyes darkened for a moment. ''He died when I was young. Only when I had heard that he had a son who didn't want revenge for what happened was how I found out that he was still alive. And plotting.'' his hand curled into a tight fist. ''He refuse to leave me be, even 5,000 years later.'' He actually flinched when you placed a hand upon his arm. ''Then get rid of him. Men with hate like that, who refuse to let go. Who refuse to move on and wallow in the dark deserve death.'' ancient orbs looked deeply into your E/C ones for a moment, doubt clouding them. ''And I? Doesn't your words contradict mine?'' You shook your head with a no. ''Honestly? At this point, I stopped caring. You risked your life to protect your kingdom and love ones from the darkness and how did the gods repay for that bravery? By slaughtering your people and lover; the ancient gods of the past were heartless fiends. Not fit to dwell in the same realm as mortals. And some, if not all, need to be brought down to our level.''

This girl...

Pressing his forehead down against yours, noses barely touching, a rare warm smile crawls onto his face. ''Thank you.'' You blushed, averting your eyes away from him. ''N-No problem.''

Defilement: Atem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now