Chapter 35 Lemon: Mine

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Not only just after you had stepped inside the threshold of the door you were pinned up against the wall in the hallway barely with enough air to utter a word before your poor mouth and the inside of it was attacked by a hungry tongue. E/C orbs surged to near black at the amount of sheer want that was bleeding from him. And this was just his body heat.


You whimpered the intensity. Never experiencing anything like this in your life. The near scalding body heat coming off of him was quickly warming your own flesh and sensitizing every nerve in your system leaving you mute in virginal shock and fear. Never had you imagined that your life would turn out like this. Discovering this man and the past he had and lost, all of it. It felt too surreal for you to handle.

A low growl left him as his mouth descended downward to your neck, still covered by your school jacket. ''Off.'' Your hazed filled brain snapped out of the fog now staring up at him wide eyed. No way, not in the middle of the damn hallway. ''H-Have some decency! J-Just because it's dark now doesn't give you the right to...!'' you suddenly jerked at the warning hiss. Seesh, dominate asshole.

''Honestly Atem? If only you could see yourself right now, you'd more than likely punch the crap out of yourself.'' Both heads turned toward the source of the voice. Vanin was leaning against the wall, casually eating a apple. ''It's shocking seeing you in such a state sire. So greedy. No thought of your precious light hm?'' Golden amber eyes nearly shot blood red at the interruption but he stopped himself just in time. He was right. This isn't how he wanted this to proceed. Not without your consent and willingness to participate.

Without another word, he takes you by the hand and upstairs passing Vanin along the way, by not before giving him an unreadable expression; it was in between half thanking him for snapping him out of it yet also murderous for interrupting him at the same time. The teen just chuckles, nodding in return before heading back towards the living room to watch tv.

''I...have to apologize for that display. I lost control for a moment.'' taking both of your hands, he rubs his fingers over the knuckles causing you to blush. ''I-It's fine. No, it wasn't. I understand the um, reason but honestly, ask me first before doing that.'' ''You're right but it's just, I couldn't help myself. Being around you as long as this, finally being able to have you as originally intended...'' he trails off, taking a step forward towards you, eyes half mast.

''I can't wait any longer.'' You gulp, taking a step back. He follows suit until you had fallen backwards over the threshold of your bed with a startled yelp. Your wrists were now pinned overhead, S/C fingers lovingly laced with tan in a gentle but firm hold. You were trembling real bad now, unable to stop shivering from a unknown chill. Was this really happening? Is any of this real? The body heat above you says otherwise.

''I swear to you, I will never hurt you. Even in the midst of this.'' a light feathery kiss was placed upon your mouth before he held it longer than a few minutes then pulls away. ''Y/N, will you give me the honor of having you?'' your heart was pounding so loudly, you couldn't hear anything else other than that and the blood roaring into your ear drums. You had to say something. Anything. ''J-Just be gentle. Please.'' his lips curl into a soft smile.

''Of course princess.''

Heat. Moist and oh so, very hot. Every little sound you made had spurred him on. This went beyond just giving and taking. This was near purity. Pressing further into you, a startled wail came from you as a groan fell from him. Two beings that had one assumed the other forever lost, out of reach now reunited and now finally placing the final pieces of their shattered hearts and souls together as a whole. There was truly no other way to describe this feeling of finally being complete. There weren't any words in all the English language that could say it.

''H-Harder...! M-More!''

Over and over. A near endless but perfect cycle. Never to be broken again. Never again. The once homely room was now completely saturated in sweat and the heavy musk of sex. You were currently curled tightly against the pharaoh as his fingers lazily played through your H/C hair, both extremely exhausted but utterly satisfied and happy.

Happy...What a strange word to use.

A soft glowing light consumed the both of you as you were suddenly transported into a grand chamber. Was this...inside the puzzle? The large bed and comfy pillows definitely said yes. Far too tired to care, your eyes begin to close as you were called to slumber. Deep violet orbs stare down at your nude, sleeping frame, a warm smile gracing his mouth as sleep also lured him.

''At last, she's mine...''

Defilement: Atem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now