Knock Knock

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Constant knocking downstairs woke me up. I grabbed my phone from the dresser next to my bed to look at the time, when I was surprised to see over 50 missed calls from my older brother, Sebastian.

Its 02:00 Am, what the hell does he want?

More knocking snapped me out of my thoughts, I got out of bed and hurried downstairs over to the front door.

I would probably freak out if someone was standing at my doorstep late at night, but considering that it is the weekend, the diner would usually close around this hour; which is why this is probably my parents coming back from work, and someone (aka my dad) must have forgotten his keys.

As I got closer to the door, I noticed blue and red lights coming from outside. I didn't think much of it at first, but the more I thought about it the more it freaked me out.

I opened the door slowly to find a police officer standing on my porch, and the lights were coming from his police car.

Nothing made sense to me at that point, and I was feeling uneasy all of a sudden. This is the first time where a police officer pays a visit to my house, and the fact that it is so late at night made me feel something off about the entire situation.

"Evening son, is there anyone else in here with you?" The officer said, with the usual authoritative tone that every cop uses.

He looked kind of old, with a thick mustache on his face, and a beer gut that is one donut away from ripping off his shirt's buttons.

"No?" I yawned, trying to wake myself up.

"Can I help you?" I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Yes actually." The officer sighed, looking pretty tired himself, then continued "may I come in first?"

I hesitated.

I know he is a cop and there is no need to doubt anything, but it is still two in the morning and I'm home alone.

"I already talked to your brother, did he reach out to you Dion?" He spoke.

"How do you know my name?" I blurted, feeling uneasy.

The cop sighed, looking bored already.

"I'm a police officer boy, there is no need to feel scared."

I paused, squinting my eyes at the badge hanging on the officer's chest.

"You talked to my brother?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yes. I talked to Sebastian, and now I'm here to talk to you." He said, making sure to emphasize on my brother's name, proving to me that he's not lying.

"Okay, come in I guess." I said, giving up on the idea that this is a crazy person who wants to search my house and arrest me for no reason.

I never liked cops, they're annoying and always harass my family at the diner.

We sat on a couch in the living room, it was dark as the lights were off and I didn't bother to switch them back on.
I was anxious, and the sick feeling in my stomach has never left my body as I sat down, facing this uniformed man.

"Dion Clark, right?" He said, smiling at me.

I nodded, still feeling sceptical about all of this.

"How old are you, son?"

"Seventeen, I'll be eighteen in a few months." I shrugged.

"Aha, you are a grown man then." He patted me on the shoulder.

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