Lucky Number

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I don't think I have to explain anything
you guys are probably used to it by now lol
PS: don't forget to listen to the song after you finish reading this chapter
the lyrics can't be anymore perfect.


"She is really freaking me out with her eyes." I shivered as we all huddled around Victoria's bed with her dead bloody body laying on it and her cold brown eyes open and are staring at nothing.

"She is covered in blood and her eyes freak you out?" Jasmine said, shock was still taking over her as I watched her stare at Vicky without blinking since the moment we placed her body here.

"Can you stop talking about her like she is a science project?" Briana scolded.

I rolled my eyes at her, she can't get any more bipolar than this, one moment she is cussing at Vicky for being such a fuck up, and the other she is defending her.

"Do you think she is going to wake up again?" Lisa asked with a shaky voice.

"What time is it?" I asked, trying to tie things together.

The girls on the other hand glared at me, they think I'm not taking this thing seriously because I don't like Victoria, which is true but unfair at the same time.

"Jasmine said something about Silvia's knife when Vicky-" I paused not knowing what to exactly call the situation
"Sarted splashing her blood everywhere."

"Dion!" Lisa scolded.

I sighed with frustration at how they haven't figured it out already.

"That knife killed her the first time around ten o'clock last night remember? And now she somehow died again, bleeding from the same spot." I explained impatiently, pointing at Victoria's bloody shirt.

"Its ten o five." Briana blurted with wide eyes.

The girls gasped at this new piece of information, it was a strange and impossible theory, but it did make sense.

"Can this be possible?" Jasmine asked, as if she was inside my brain just a second ago.

"She died then came back to life, why wouldn't it be possible." Lisa shrugged, but kept eyeing Vic's body.

"Well, if we're saying that Dion is right, then this means that she can hear us." Briana said, making everyone shift their attention on Vicky.

"Victoria?" Lisa said softly, walking slowly towards Victoria's body and continued, "Don't worry, we wont leave your side."

"Yeah, we wont bury you this time." I blurted, finding it funny to tease her when she can only listen without doing anything about it; the girls though looked scary when they glared at me with disapproval.

"What? I'm just trying to comfort her." I shrugged, taking a step back.

They kept staring at me for a couple of seconds, then Briana rolled her eyes and took a seat next to Vicky and started lifting her shirt up.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asked, sounding both confused and frightened as Briana started lifting Vicky's shirt up.

"I want to see the wound." Briana blurted, barely giving us any of her attention.

I started to freak out as well, not helping but to feel Lisa's eyes on me and watching how I'm going to react to seeing Victoria's body.

"Should I wait outside?" I hastily said.

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