Where the Fairy Tale Ends

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A.N : Hey guys, sorry I'm kind of late, but I broke my laptop and I've been writing this chapter on my phone. It is also the longest chapter so far which is why it took me more time to finish it.
Anyway, hope you like it!


"He did not steal your powers" Lisa sighed with frustration but was cut off by Victoria

"Took them, stole them. Whatever." She waved her hand around

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, feeling lost again "You're saying my powers were once . . . yours?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed loudly "I used to be able to jump from one place to another and move things with just my fucking mind, and now I'm just a stupid useless human who has to drive in traffic to get to where I want and physically pour myself a drink. And it is all because of you!" She paused to take a breath then narrowed her eyes at me and said

"These powers were the best thing that ever happened to me and you took them."

I looked back in her eyes, contemplating on what to say next. Obviously I did not mean to take her powers, I never thought something like this even exist from the first place, so I have no idea how this thing happened. It bothered me so much how she is blaming me for something I never knew could happen, I had nothing to do with this and she is here talking to me with this attitude as if I should apologize to her. I sometimes think that she doesn't remember lying to me and pretending to be someone else for 2 months-

"This is why you came up to me from the start" I said automatically, thinking out loud

Victoria looked taken back by my calm tone, but did not fail to keep that annoying attitude when she spoke next


I thought very well about what I'm going to say, it all makes sense now

"You never cared about keeping me safe from those hunters. You didn't even try to help me learn about this stuff like what you did with Lisa." I started, with my bitterness getting gradually thicker with every word

"All what you wanted is your powers back, that is why you kept insisting on talking about them!"

As usual, Victoria did not say a word, her little girlfriends did not seem like they want to get caught up in all of this either, so they just watched quietly in the back.

"You acted like a completely different person just so I would open up to you and give you all the information you needed." I paused as all sorts of questions hit me

She pretended to be exactly how I want the girl of my dreams to be (Obviously she is nothing like who Victoria really is). She must've lied about literally everything just to get my attention!

"Do you even like Harry Potter?" I asked, I know it is a dumb question but I was actually really wondering.

"No. I made Jazz dig this information out of your geeky brain" She sighed, crossing her arms to her chest and continued

"I hate books. And I tried watching the movies, but they are very boring"

I would usually argue with anyone who has the same mentality about my favorite book as hers, but considering the situation, I'm in now I'm going to let it slide and move on to my next question.

"And your nose. I'm assuming Briana healed it for you" I stated

"Yeah, thanks a lot for that by the way" She snorted at me, while lightly touching her perfectly looking nose.

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