Family First

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New chapter!! 

Recap: Victoria is alive and healthy, but hunters are after Sebastian. Dion and Lisa went to look for him at his apartment and were surprised to find a human there (not Sebastian). Things went out of hand and now Lisa and Dion are carryig this unconcious human to house number 12. 

Chapter Twenty 

"What the hell happened?" 

Briana was quick to ask once she saw Lisa and I transport back into the living room with Sebastian's unconscious girlfriend in our hands. 

Lisa was doing most of the lifting, but I wanted to believe that I was helping a little. 

The poor girl is out cold with her limbs hanging from each side of her body and a big bump was starting to form on the back of her head where Lisa had hit her. To be fair, she is the one who came into the apartment while Lisa and I were looking for Sebastian, and due to some complications which I take full responsibility for, the girl freaked out and pulled a gun on us. 

Thank god Lisa was with me, she was quick to react and knocked the girl out before she could pull the trigger with one swift movement.

We carefully approached the couch in the living room and laid the girl on it just when Victoria happened to come downstairs from her room.  

"You're back already?" Victoria said, then looked up at us and came to a halt once she saw the unconscious girl laying on the couch. 

An amused frown formed on her face as she walked carefully towards the girl.

"Hmm" She hummed, and stood right over the girl. She gave her a good look from the top of her head to her shoes, then turned towards Lisa and I and said 

"Didn't know Sebastian had boobs" She joked.

I rolled my eyes at her silliness, knowing that this will confuse the girls since the original plan was completely different from what is going on now. 

We were supposed to go to Seb's apartment and get him here. As simple as that. 

But of course nothing ever happens according to plan in my world and now we have Sebastian's girlfriend (I assume) in our living room and no one has a clue where Sebastian actually is.

"Explain." Briana demanded right away with an intimidating look on her face. 

She stood with her feet wide apart and her hands folded to her chest as she waited for some answers. 

I sighed, knowing that whatever I say next is going to start a huge argument. 

"We couldn't find Sebastian." I shrugged casually. 

I didn't say anything after that because I actually don't have an explanation to what happened, everything went so quickly and got a little messy and now here we are, back to square one.

Briana's eyes widened more with every second of silence passing. She was staring back and forth between me and the girl on the couch as she waited for me to continue. 

"I. can. see. that." She spoke firmly and then looked back at the girl and kept her eyes fixed on her this time, studying every inch of her motionless body.

I observed Briana carefully, feeling confused...   

For someone who works with humans everyday, she sure is not used to them. I thought to myself.

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