When all else fails

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Twenty One 

If someone had told me just a few months ago that I will be sacrificing my life for my brother on this day I would've laughed at them. Things really do change, after the death of my parents and the sudden discovery of my powers Sebastian was not just my annoying sibling anymore, I felt responsible for him and I cared for his happiness. 

This is a dumb idea Dion...  I thought to myself as I started packing my bag with all kinds of things that I probably will not even use for my big fight with the hunters. 

I had my phone, a flash light, some snacks, a kitchen knife, a rope, and I stole one of Victoria's cigarette packs in case I needed something to ease my nerves. Deep down I knew that half of the stuff in my bag are completely useless. I'm going to be meeting with a bunch of terrifying hunters with guns and tasers, my kitchen knife will not stand a chance against these things, and I'm not even sure why I brought the rope and flashlight... I guess I just wanted to distract myself with packing so that I don't start overthinking every single detail to the point where I get so freaked out and decide to call everything off.

A knock on my bedroom door startled me, I jumped away from my bag and pretended to be just standing in the middle of my room doing literally nothing so that no one would see the dumb shit in my bag. 

I looked at the door and there were the girls standing right next to each other while giving me weird looks. 

"What?" I asked, feeling a little uncomfortable. 

Lisa looked across the room and found my bag on my bed, then looked back at me with worry in her eyes.

"Are you sure its a good idea for you to go alone?" she asked.  

I get where she is coming from, if roles were reversed I would've felt just as concerned- No. Actually if the roles were really reversed I would be right by her side trying to help her.  

"Yeah." I nodded, and tried to mask my anger and fear with a smile. 

"Everything is going to be fine, I'm confident." I comforted them.

The girls exchanged confused looks with each other except for Jasmine, she was staring dead straight at me.  I immediately tried to change the thoughts in my mind before she could expose me in front of everybody. 

She might be able to read people's mind's, but she really is not subtle. 

"No, you're not." Jasmine blurted out.

I quickly began to panic, this little brat is way out of line!  

"He's not sure if he'll even survive long enough to actually save his brother." She continued with a shrug. 

I stood there like an idiot without saying a word as they continued to stare at me with sympathy and it angered me. They clearly chose not to help me and I don't blame them, but I don't need anyone to come pry on my thoughts and pity or belittle me. 

"Maybe if you give us a little time we'll figure something out, rushing things will only make it messy." Briana suggested nicely, but I was done with this. 

I don't have time to think about anything, every minute counts and it seems that  they still don't understand the seriousness of the situation. This is not like when we were looking for the shielding stone, we don't have a specific deadline until someone drops dead. 

"No offense, but I don't need your advice at the moment." I fired back calmly.

"And don't you ever get inside my head again, you have no right." I warned Jasmine.  

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