Karma is a Bitch

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Guess who is late again?

Anyway, enjoy!


"Victoria!" I screamed, running towards her as she slid down the wall, gasping for air.

"I got you." I said, grabbing her by her arm before she could hit the ground and helped her sit on the floor smoothly.

She stared me with a panicked look, tears were fighting their way out of her wide brown eyes. She looked at me as if begging me to do something, but I felt trapped and useless. I couldn't get my eyes off her, I was so shocked at seeing Victoria this scared and weak.

"Lay her down on her back!" Briana ordered, snapping me out of my shock.

I did what she said, still holding her hand as she squeezed it hard, trying to distract herself from the pain that was making her body twitch violently.

I couldn't see her like this, I couldn't see this tough girl in so much pain. My eyes went down to her chest and rested on the knife that is dug deep in her flesh.

My heart was racing so fast at the sight of blood that is staining her shirt and the sound of her panicked heavy breaths drove my thoughts all over the place, preventing me to think straight or do anything.

My eyes were stuck staring at that knife that is going up and down in sync with her breathing, I couldn't even feel her squeezing my hand anymore from how numb I felt.

"Hey baby- stay still, okay?" Briana cried over Vicky.

I looked behind me to find Lisa with tears falling on her face. She was hugging Jasmine tightly, preventing her from turning around and seeing Vicky in this terrifying state.

"Take it out!" Victoria said, but her voice was so low that it almost sounded like a whisper.

"What?" I asked right away, as my shock began to wear off.

"Take it out!" She repeated, speaking faster this time.

"Knife- take it out!" She cried.

Somehow her words made all of us go back to our natural senses, it is like our bodies were frozen and now we suddenly feel the ability to control them again.

"Dion, take it out on three and I will heal her right away." Briana commanded, finding her strong voice again.

"Be fast she is going to bleed like crazy once you take it out." Lisa pointed out.

"Okay. Ready?" Briana said looking at me with a stern face but her eyes failed to cover the fear that is building up inside of her.

I nodded, then held the knife tightly in my hand over Vic's chest. I felt like vomiting as my hand kept going up and down with her breathing, the sight of that thing inside of her is so disturbing.

Briana cupped Vicky's face and whispered

"Ready honey?"

Vicky moaned in pain as she tried to speak and nodded her head quickly.

"Okay. On three." Briana ordered, placing her hand on Victoria's stomach while holding her hand with the other one.

"One." Bri started counting, sounding really nervous herself


I was sweating from everywhere, the thought of me taking this thing out of her chest scared the crap out of me, I don't want to cause her anymore pain!

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