Hell's Bells

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It is finally here ladies and gentlemen!

I'm terribly sorry for the two months delay
but lots of things happen in this chapter and I tried to make it as graphic as possible

Here is a recap from the previous chapter: the girls went to the abandoned hospital and as they were trying to look for the stone hunters showed up

Enjoy chapter SIXTEEN!!!


We barely had anytime to react when the hunters started to attack us with their guns and tasers.

My first instinct was to raise both my hands up and create this invisible shield that protected the girls and I from the flying bullets, but the hunters were coming from everywhere and I knew this shield wasn't going to protect us for so long.

"What are we going to do?" I yelled over the sound of gunshots.

Over thirty bullets were now frozen in mid air, just a few inches away from our bodies. It has only been a few seconds but the hunters are already starting to get dangerously close.

"Lisa, look for the stone as fast as possible." Briana said sharply, then glared at the sight of hunters in front of us and continued.

"Dion and I will hold them back."

Lisa and I nodded without hesitation, knowing for a fact that there is no time to argue.

"On the count of three." I yelled, taking a few deep breaths.

I prepared myself for what is about to come once I let go and undo the shield, fear filled my gut as I took a look at the sight of hunters pouring into the auditorium and aiming their guns at us.

We were out numbered . . . By a lot.

I shook my head, trying to concentrate; we don't have time, our lives are at risk here and there is no way I'm going to let these bastards win.

With a deep breath, I aimed at my targets and pushed as hard as I could. All the frozen bullets stuck in the shield flew in the opposite direction, right where the hunters are standing.

I was able to hit a few of them, the rest ducked and rolled; this little distraction gave me some time to think about my next move, trying my best to stay focused and not to look at those who I just killed.

My brain is a mess.

I don't know how I'm going to keep the hunters back, while making sure that Lisa has enough space to look for the stone. I can't take my eye off Briana for so long either, in case she needs my help, but I have to protect myself as well.

Stay close, and protect yourself.

I thought to myself. 

I had to push away the nearest hunters for now, but if I stay in my place I'll make myself an easy target for those with guns.

An ugly screaming hunter came up to my face with a long taser raised above his head, he was about to strike me with it when I instinctively pulled my hands up.

The hunters taser collided with an invisible wall right in front of my face, I was just as shocked as him, but I immediately unfroze my body and kneed him in the nuts.

He screamed as his body bent over from the pain, but before I could hit him again I felt someone coming from behind me.

I spun around to find three hunter coming my way, one of them had a huge axe while the other two carried tasers. I knew that there is no way I could stop the three of them all at once, and so I jumped to the opposite direction.

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