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I am so late and I know

it is not funny anymore.


This is a long chapter so I kind of made up for the late post that was supposed to be published a week ago.

I hope you enjoy this one!


"I'm sure she is going to be fine, how far can she go." I said, trying to assure the girls.

"Pretty far." Lisa said, while her eyes followed Briana who has been pacing around the living room for the past fifteen minutes.

"I should've kept my mouth shut." Briana murmured to herself.

Everyone was stressing out about Victoria storming out of the house in the middle of the night after having a huge fight with the girls, I am kind of worried myself but I'm way too mad to care about what might happen to her out there.

"How about we call her?" I suggested, hoping this might calm them down a little.

"Already did. I was sent straight to voicemail." Lisa said.

"Jasmine, can you find out where she is?" Briana asked, sounding paranoid.

Just a few minutes ago Briana was scolding Lisa for wanting to spy on Victoria's thoughts and now she wants to do the exact same thing?

"She is still driving around. Even she doesn't know where she is going." Jasmine shrugged.

"That is wonderful!" Briana exclaimed sarcastically.

"Calm down would you?" Lisa said.

"I can't calm down. I am the reason why she is out there, so if anything happens to her it is going to be my fault. And I can't live with that." Briana said, almost crying when she finished her last sentence.

"This is not all your fault." Lisa said firmly, holding her by her shoulders in order to make her stop pacing, then continued

"She is the one who did a horrible mistake and now we are all suffering the consequences of her reckless actions."

I found myself nodding with agreement without even noticing. Ever since Victoria showed up in my life problems starting raining down on me.

First, it was her tricking me into falling in love with her and lying about almost everything, then I had to move here and away from my brother Sebastian who is all I have left, and now we have to deal with this rivalry with another house who I'm assuming are stronger and more experienced than us.

"I know." Briana sighed, finally looking more relaxed now as she continued

"I just- I was so sure about her being innocent that I was willing to kill Gerard and his whole house members. I even fought with you about it and then she told me it was all true and I-" She paused, trying to find the right words then continued

"I completely lost it. I guess disappointment hit me way too hard. I thought she was better than that."

"We all did." Lisa said, patting her on the back.

"Really?" I accidentally thought out loud.

The girls all glared at me with annoyance, but managed to ignore me and continued.

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