Meet the Family!

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"You really need to stop screaming like that. Your hysterical cries are disturbing the snake's family and friends, and whatever else that lives in this hell hole" Victoria said, rolling her eyes at me with annoyance

"Excuse me?" I said, staring at her with disbelief, I've had enough of this shit

"You lied to me. You led me on. And put me in a middle of a mess that almost got me killed. And you're complaining about me - being - TOO- LOUD!" I snarled, with anger burning inside of me

"I don't even know who you are! You made me think that you're this amazing, innocent, sweet girl who was just curious about her mysterious powers-" I paused, something is just not making any sense

"Did you know about my powers before I opened up to you about them?"

Victoria just looked at me lazily with her arms crossed to her chest without saying a word

"You did, didn't you!" I yelled, pointing my finger at her "You acted so damn surprised when I showed you what I can do! God, I am such an idiot."

I ran my hand over my face with frustration, this is all a nightmare. There was no sound whatsoever that I could hear my heavy anxious breaths, I was suddenly feeling more angry at how the girls are not even trying to say anything to explain the situation. Peeking between my fingers I saw Victoria kicking at the sand casually, this tiny person just ruined the only good thing in my life and she doesn't even care!

"Why is it that whenever I start asking questions, you stop talking!" I snapped, feeling suffocated

Victoria flinched with surprise at my sudden outburst. Having her attention again made me want to take my anger out on her

"You did this! This is all your fault-"

"That is not true!" She gasped

"Dion." Lisa said calmly

"What! You are going to cover up for what she did now? " I spat, pointing at Victoria without even looking at her

"I didn't do anything!" She yelled back, looking offended

Getting some kind of a reaction from her made me feel less anxious, but I still was so irritated and mad that I was holding myself from doing something crazy, like physically attacking her

"Those guys know who you are, they said your name in front of me-"

"Well obviously they know who I am, it is not like they saw us at the park and thought 'hmm they are some random people, lets shoot them for fun' " She mocked but was still avoiding my question

"Okay. Then stop fucking around and answer my questions!"

"Who the hell were they and why the fuck did they try to kill us."

She sighed, going quiet again

"I killed a man today! and you can't be honest with me?"

"I never told you to kill anyone" She shrugged

I'm going to fucking lose my mind.

"Oh! Oh, my bad!" I yelled hysterically

"Dion, calm down-" Lisa started but I wasn't even listening to her

"I should've just let him kill you! Is that what you want?"

Victoria just stared at me with her jaw clinched tight as if trying not to slip and say something that will ruin her 'PLAN'

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