Buckle Up

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Hey guys!
I know you hate me for posting so late.
Here is a recap of what happened in the previous chapter: Dion and the girls came up with a plan to get the stone back, they went to a bar in Michigan and looked for a hunter to abduct. The bartender lady attacked Dion and Victoria and almost killed them, but they were able to knock her out and kidnap her.

Enjoy chapter



"The desert?" 

Victoria was the first person who said something as we all landed in a middle of an empty desert, the same one Victoria, Lisa, and I ran to the day I found out about all of this.

"What is up with you and this place, man?" Victoria complained.

I barley gave any of my attention to what she is saying, my eyes were busy studying the place; I don't know why but I love this place. 

"We needed an isolated place to talk to her, this is perfect." Lisa automatically said, glaring at the woman who we just kidnapped.

Her words reminded me of why we are here, the bartender/hunter lady was sitting on the sandy ground with her eyes about to pop out of her skull. She looked terrified and lost; for a moment I actually felt sorry for her, but then I thought about how she almost killed me just a few minutes ago.

"Speaking of her" I paused to clear my throat, taking a look at the woman then back at the girls and continued, "how come no one told me that there are female hunters?"

The whole time at the bar I kept my eyes open on men, not even acknowledging the ladies there. If I knew there are also female hunters, I would've been extra careful and the whole attack thing would have probably never happened.

"You thought hunters were only guys?" Lisa asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"That is so sexist." Victoria rolled her eyes.

"It's not my fault that I never encountered a female hunter before." I defended, feeling attacked. 

"Well, there is a first time for everything." Briana interrupted, looking uninterested in whatever is happening then continued, "Can we go back to our plan now?"

With that, our little argument ended and we were all watching Briana.

She walked over to the hunter very slowly and stood over her with the look of disgust on her face.

"What is your name?" Briana asked.

The hunter looked back at Briana coldly, mirroring Briana's facial expression. We all watched quietly, waiting for the woman to speak; I couldn't help but imagine the hunter sounding like an evil witch, but as seconds passed I wasn't sure if I'm going to hear her talk anytime soon. 

Briana sighed with annoyance, she was acting all tough and careless to scare her.

"What. Is. Your. Name." Briana asked again, sharply.

The woman kept glaring at her, but chills were sent down my spine when I saw an evil smirk creep up on her face.

"You don't scare me." The lady finally spoke. Her voice was nothing close to scary but it did sound gravelly; I keep forgetting that hunters are normal humans...who want to kill us.

The smirk on her face faded and was instantly replaced with a look of pure hatred.

"I kill people of your kind, all the time." The lady snarled.

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