Secrets Part 2

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This one is the longest chapter so far but it is juicy as fuck! 


Chapter 24

I woke up feeling nauseous and irritated, my head was pounding and my mouth was super dry. All that drinking last night felt so great at the time, but right now it is ruining my morning. 

It was 8:00 AM and I could already hear the girls getting ready to start their day, even with our magical powers Lisa and Jasmine still needed to go to school and Briana can not afford to lose her job. She got Victoria's car back with the help of the state's police and she no longer needed me to transport all of them to their destinations. 

I on the other hand had stopped going to school, figuring there's no use in carrying on with living like a normal human being when you're not  a normal human being. 

I'm not going to worry about getting a degree and applying for jobs with god knows how many hunters who are constantly on my tail trying to kill me. I might not even live that long to go through those stages. Besides, with my awesome powers there is nothing out of reach. 

I turned to my other side and tried to get back to sleep when I was surprised with a dark shaped figure laying right next to my pillow. 

"AY!" I screamed with fear and my body automatically jumped out of my bed and landed next to my night stand.

The sheets started to move and it made me freeze in shock and fear at the sight of this creepy creature.  

"What's the matter with you?" Victoria grumbled as she sat up in my bed rubbing her eyes and getting her hair out of her face. 

I sighed with relief... her hair made it look like there's a dead animal on my pillow. 

The bed covers were covering her body and when she sat up it slowly started to slide down until it uncovered her torso and I could see that she was naked. 

My eyes widened with shock and I wanted to scream at her for being naked in my bed, but then it hit me. Everything that happened last night came crashing down and I was able to remember all the details about us having sex. 

How the hell did I let this happen? 

I started to panic and then I realized that if she is naked because we had sex last night then that means... 

I slowly looked down at my legs and realized that I was fully naked on my bedroom floor. I quickly grabbed my clothes and started to get dressed when I realized that Victoria is calmly staring at me.

"Did we... uh last night?" I asked with a shaky voice, feeling more confident now that I had boxers on. 

Victoria raised one eyebrow at me and opened her mouth to speak when I heard the door behind me crack open. 

Thankfully my night stand was close to my bedroom door and I was able to teleport quickly and  slam the door shut with my back before anyone could get in. 

"Hey, is everything okay?" I heard Lisa's voice from outside and it made my stomach drop. 

Victoria stared right back at me with the same look of horror on her face. 

"I'll be right there!" I yelled back at Lisa as I gestured for Victoria to get the FUCK out! 

She scrambled to get her stuff and Lisa was not laying off the door handle. 

"Why is the door shut?"

She pushed the door harder and it opened just about an inch before I shoved it back shut.

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