Turning Tables

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The entire ride back home was awkward between Seb and I, we both had no idea on how to talk to one another. We were never really the type of siblings that would do things together, and have the same favorite TV show that normal siblings would binge watch together.

The only times that we actually interact with each other, are those when he is making fun of me, or when he's obsessing over a girl; which is not so fun.

I once made the mistake of showing him my crush, he started commenting on her body like some kind of a thirsty pervert. 

The reason why I barely have any friends, is because most guys at my school are just like Sebastian. I tried to fit in with a few groups, it was fun at times but I felt uncomfortable for the most part.

Running after girls, talking about getting laid, and the constant urge to compete with everyone about everything, is not who I am.

I tried to make Sebastian understand that we are simply two different people, but he started making fun of me and calling me names.

What a fucking tool. 

A tool that I'm going to be living with, until I figure my shit out. 

Miserable thoughts circled my mind when we got back to the apartment.

Being here reminds me of everything that had happened in the last couple of days, no matter how hard I try to feel normal, I could never escape my horrible reality.

Crying had stopped being an option for me to relief myself, I've cried so much that I eventually ran out of tears; and so I spent the rest of my day in my small bed with a blank look on my face, waiting for this hole in my chest to go away.

"Where are you going?" I asked automatically, as I watched Seb change out of his suit and put on his casual black T shirt and jeans. 

"To get some food. Are you gonna be okay here by yourself?" 

"Yeah, I gue-"

"Alright, cool." He blurted, and was out the door before I could even finish what I was saying. 

I sighed with frustration then went to change into my comfortable Pajamas. 

I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and took it off, grabbed my hoodie and unfolded it, but just when I was about to put it on, something caught my attention.

I can't believe I forgot about this!  

The black tattoo was still on my wrist, I ran my thumb smoothly over it, feeling every single detail as I gazed at it with wonder. It was obviously the head of a solider with a weird robot like body, I still don't understand how it got on my arm, and it freaked me out.

I started looking all over the apartment for something that would take it off, I used rubbing alcohol, bleach, and even a lighter. (Which was a terrible idea) 

But nothing worked, it is carved into my flesh.

I decided to browse the web and look for someone who might have the same thing happen to them, or at least something similar, but all what I found is a bunch of articles about tattoo artists, people having problems with their tattoo, and some weird disturbing skin conditions that I could have lived without knowing about them.

It was starting to freak me out that whatever is happening to me has never happened to anyone else before. To be fair, I'm not even sure what exactly is happening to me, but it is still pretty weird.

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