Just Another Walk in the Park

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(Currently editing this chapter)


"Dion!" Victoria said loudly, obviously surprised to see me here.

We were supposed to meet half an hour later but I decided to go early and wait for her here, just to find out that Victoria is having a secret meetup with this girl.

"NO HABLO ESPANOL!" Victoria suddenly screamed at the girl with anger.

The girl froze with shock and was now staring at Victoria with disbelief.

"Foreign students, right?" Victoria snorted sarcastically, while twirling her finger next to her head, gesturing that this blonde girl is crazy.

The girl gasped at Victoria and shot her with an angry glare, but Vicky was acting like this girl is not even here.

I studied both girls carefully, the way the blonde girl is glaring at Victoria assured me that they knew each other.

Usually, I'd believe Victoria and take her side without giving it a second thought, but the nervous look in her eyes made it obvious that she is trying to hide something from me.

"Come on, Dion." Victoria said, then grabbed me by my arm and started to walk away.

She was able to make two steps before she came to a halt, my feet were standing firmly on the ground and I was not going to move until she explains to me how and why she lied about not knowing this girl.

Victoria snapped her head to look at me with wide eyes, once she realized that I was refusing to let her drag me away with her she stopped yanking my arm.

I could see the fear in her eyes as she stared at me, my eyes had turned cold and whatever feelings I had for her switched off.

Something weird is going on here, Victoria is lying to me and until I find out what this girl's deal is, there will be no sympathy.

I hate dishonesty, it is disrespectful and pointless.

"Seriously, Victoria?" The blonde girl finally spoke, she had her hands crossed to her chest and one eyebrow raised with disapproval.

"She doesn't sound foreign to me." I eyed Victoria, who is clearly panicking.

"Because I'm not!" The girl interrupted angrily.

I couldn't wait for Victoria to start explaining, I need to find out what is going on myself before she starts to lie again, and so I looked back at the girl and asked.

"Who are you?"

The girl's anger defused almost immediately, she turned to look at me then raised her head up with confidence and answered.

"Lisa Thompson."

She stretched her arm to shake my hand, but her arrogance made me feel both uncomfortable and irritated.

I looked at her firm hand with hesitation, I don't like her and I sure as hell do not trust her, but after a few seconds it was clear that she's determined on shaking my hand.

"Victoria's roommate" she continued as we shook hands, and my jaw dropped.

I let go of Lisa's hand and turned to look at Vicky with shock, I waited for an explanation but all she did is shrug at me apologetically.

"I thought you said you didn't know her." I spoke with gritted teeth.

Victoria sighed, and ran her hand over her face with frustration.

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