Fresh Air

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RECAP: Dion and the girls went to house number three so that Silvia could cure Victoria from her curse in exchange for the stone (which Victoria originally stole from house number three). After a stressful dinner, Silvia stabbed Vicky with the magical blade (that's how you undo the curse)  and everyone is currently waiting for Victoria to wake up.

Good luck remembering anything, its been almost 6 months since I last uploaded a chapter lol.

PS: This chapter is still not edited yet


Victoria looked like she had been brutally murdered after Silvia had finished her job, blood was dripping all over her body because of the huge cut on her chest that is caused by Silvia's blade. Unfortunately, this had to happen in order for Victoria to get rid of her curse. Everyday at 10:00 PM a huge stabbing wound would magically appear on Victoria's chest and blood immediately starts to pour out, she would scream and cry from pain until she bleeds out and eventually dies... Then a few hours later Victoria would wake up from her death with a loud gasp and a freshly healed stabbing wound in the middle of her chest.

Things have been like this for more than 2 weeks, and now it finally is (maybe) the last time.

To my surprise everyone in the room was calm and relaxed, they all looked a little disturbed by the scene, but they didn't mind staying in a room with a dead body.

We laid Victoria down on the couch that she was sitting on when Silvia stabbed her, her head and limbs were wobbly and blood had already stained the beautiful white cushions but the members of house number three did not seem to mind it.

We moved our little dinner party to the living room with Victoria so that we'd be right next to her once she wakes up, the members of house number three had already begun celebrating the return of their stone and the renewed friendship with our house by pouring everyone a drink; unfortunately, the girls and I could not share their excitement with Victoria still being, uh... dead?

We all heard what Silvia said, she assured us that Vic will wake up in a few hours and the curse will be gone, but since this is Silvia who we're talking about, we could not trust a single word coming out of that woman's mouth. This is only the second time that I meet Silvia, and she had already broken into our house in Colorado, stabbed Victoria twice, and engaged in a fight with Lisa.

I can't wait for this day to be over.

All I want to do is go home and cuddle with Lisa just to fall asleep, of course that is not going to happen since we are not talking...

I know I should be all worried about Victoria and whether she's going to wake up or not, but I can't get Lisa out of my head. We still haven't said a word to each other since our little fight in the kitchen. She thought I was being unfaithful, her speculation about my intentions with Victoria really hurt my feelings, so I got mad and added fuel to the fire.

Now that I've had a little time to think about everything that we said in the kitchen I've noticed how silly this entire fight is. Lisa was jealous and she simply acted on it, she might have taken it too far but Victoria is my ex girlfriend after all, and Lisa knows exactly how much I was obsessively in love with her.

Things got even more complicated after Lisa saw me kissing Victoria on her bed, at that time I had convinced Lisa that I wanted nothing to do with Victoria and that I hated her more than anyone in the world. You can see how all of that affected her, maybe she has her reasons to not trust my friendship with Victoria.

Whether she trusts me or not, the only thing that is important here is that jealousy comes from a place of love and care, if I mean nothing to Lisa then she wouldn't have been jealous from the start.

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