Mask Off

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A.N: Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the story so far.

Make sure to read till the end, mysteries are about to be revealed in the next chapter!



"Son of a Bitch!" Victoria screamed angrily, using her hand to cover her nose.

"Are you okay?" I asked frantically, hesitating on whether I should help her up or give her some space.

"I'm gonna fucking kill-" She began to yell again, but stopped mid sentence once she opened her eyes.

Her facial expressions immediately softened after she saw me standing in front of her with the look of horror on my face.

"I mean, ouch. That hurt." She corrected, sounding like her sweet self again.

I was still trying to process her presence at my school, that it took me a few seconds to realize that she's still laying on the floor because I hit her with my locker.

"I am so sorry!" I blurted and stretched my arm for her to grab.

She took it and I helped her up, everything looked fine until she removed her hand from her face and exposed her swollen, and bleeding nose.

"Oh, my god. You're bleeding!" I panicked, then started thinking of a way to fix this mess.

"I think I have a tissue here somewhere."

I started looking hastily inside my bag for anything to wipe the blood off; my bag was a mess, it had lots of unnecessary stuff in it which made things harder for the both of us.

I felt scared, humiliated and embarrassed all at once, I've been obsessing over this girl for the last couple of days and I completely busted her face the second I saw her.

After around thirty seconds I finally found a tissue; you can say it looked like a tissue... a really old, ripped tissue.

I handed it to her right away before realizing that it had stains on it, I thought about taking it back but it was to late and I was already freaking out.

She took the tissue, held it with only the tip of her fingers and frowned at it.

"Uh- thanks, but I have some unused ones in my purse." She said, trying to hide her disgust.

I mentally scolded myself for being such a slob.

"Can you get it for me?" She kindly asked.

"Oh sure!" I blurted, then grabbed her purse and started looking through it.

And I thought my bag was a mess.

Her purse had everything in it but textbooks, from tons of make up stuff to her phone charger and finally a small bag of tissues.

I handed it to her, she took it and thanked me, then started cleaning herself up.

After she was done, I could tell that thankfully her nose did not break, it was just a little strong hit and the bleeding had stopped; I can still see a little bit of red on her nose but there was no damage.

Why do stuff like that always happen to me?

I made sure to check the hall before practicing my powers on my locker, but she suddenly came out of nowhere and-

Wait a minute...

"What are you doing here?" I asked, feeling completely bewildered.

"I go here." She smiled at me.

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