Deja Vu

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You guys must really hate me.

But on the bright side,

this is the longest chapter so far!


Make sure to read till the end

the next chapter is going to be very informative.



"You're back. That is great!" Lisa said, cutting me off.

Her tone was cheerful but the look on her face showed the total opposite.

I felt my heart drop down to my stomach as I watched her standing right in front of me with her eyes fixed on Victoria who is hovered over me, wearing nothing but a large buttoned up shirt and her underwear.

I couldn't move a muscle or think of anything to say, I just wanted to disappear. I slowly felt my chest get filled with emptiness when I noticed how she is obviously avoiding to look at me.

"Well, I'm off to bed." Lisa said, then stormed out of the room with her head down.

Her movement made me realize that she is actually leaving because she felt uncomfortable and out of place, it snapped something inside me and I was finally able to move again.

"Wait!" I yelled after her, pushing Victoria off me.

"Where are you going?" Victoria complained.

"Just- sleep!" I said hysterically as I got up from the bed and ran after Lisa.

"Lisa, hey!" I said, thankfully she was still in the hallway, but she totally ignored me and kept walking away.

"Wait a minute." I whispered, not wanting to wake anyone up and cause a scene. The last thing I want is for the girls to think that I'm trying to hook up with everyone here, especially Victoria.

God forbid.

Lisa increased her pace as she kept heading to her bedroom with her head down and her arms crossed to her chest. I transported my body to stand right in front of her, she didn't see me coming and almost walked into me, but she came to a halt at the last second.

"Look about what happened in there-" I quickly said, trying to defend myself.

"Don't worry. I wont say anything." She interrupted, raising her hand in front of my face to shut me up, making sure to not look in my eyes.

"No! No, that is not what I want, it- it is not like that I swear! She came on to me I was telling her to stop, but she came on to me-" I explained desperately

"Your pants beg to differ." She said while eyeing my pants.

I didn't even realize that I had a boner until I looked down myself, I felt my cheeks burn from embarrassment.

This is all just so wrong!

"No! I swear-"

"It is really non of my business." She cut me off, sounding calm but her face was totally emotionless, which is something that Lisa never does.

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