So much for not being yelled at

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Damn, its been so long guys. Sorry about the delay...again. 

I'll always be writing and posting until this story is over, so no matter how long I take to post plz know that I will...eventually. 

What you need to remember in order to understand this chapter is that Victoria is finally Okay! And Jasmine had a scary vision.



"What is it?" Lisa asked Jasmine, who has been staring at me with the look of horror on her face ever since she had that vision. 

I am curious to know everything that she saw, but considering how this vision left her I am contemplating the idea. These things are almost never good news and I have a feeling that whatever she saw is somehow related to me. Jasmine's eyes are wide open and glaring right at me, her hands are shaking, and a thin layer of sweat has formed on her forehead.  

"Hey, Jazz?" Brianna sounded worried, she waved her hand in front of Jasmine's face then asked. 

"Are you okay?" 

Jasmine finally blinked for the first time since she woke up, she slowly turned to look at Briana and then nodded her head, yes. 

"What happened?" Lisa asked again. 

Jazz looked up at Lisa but did not say anything. It is like she wants to speak up but whatever she saw left her shocked or scared, or both.  

"Just spit it out for fuck's sake." Victoria rushed. 

This whole thing is stressing all of us out. 

Jazz flinched at Victoria's sudden outburst, but she remained calm and quiet. She stared at Vicky for a few seconds, then she turned around and looked at me. 

I felt my heart stop when I looked her in the eyes. I could sense the heaviness of the news by just staring at her pale face. It felt like the whole world had slowed down until she finally took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak.

"Your brother..." She paused, her words were directed at me and her voice was shaky. 

"The hunters. They took him." She breathed. 

I felt the knot in my stomach get tighter in a split second and it suddenly became harder for my knees to keep supporting my body. 

My brother, my only family... this must be a mistake, it has to be! 

"What?" Lisa's voice snapped me out of my shock, as she continued.  

"How the hell did they-" 

"I don't know." Jasmine interrupted, she sounded nervous and scared. 

"I- it is a little messed up in my head." she explained. 

"Do they have him now?" I asked, not realizing how panicked I sounded, I continued.  

"Is he okay?" 

Jasmine opened her mouth to speak but she was so slow with answering everyone's questions and I needed to know if my brother is still alive or not.

"Where is he?" I asked firmly this time then waited. 

Jasmine again was taking her time with answering my questions and it is starting to get on my last nerve.

"I don't think it happened yet." She answered quietly. 

"You don't think?" I questioned her, my voice came out a little louder than how I wanted to be.

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