You should be scared of me

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Chapter twenty two:

Sebastian's Apartment - Narrator  

Jasmine's sudden urgency to head to Sebastian's apartment sent the entire group into a state of sheer panic. She had no idea what was going on with Dion, but a bad feeling crept up on her. 

Her psychic powers are so accurate that a bad feeling from Jasmine is enough to make the entire gifted community declare a lockdown.  

There was hesitation from mostly everyone, but not Lisa. She was the first one to get up with a warrior look on her face, determined and ready to save Dion no matter what the cost is. 

Victoria heard them shuffling as they stood in a circle and held hands, ready to transport. She was still scared non of the less, but part of her located deep down behind her insecurities and fears wanted to witness what's gonna happen to Dion and her powers. 

"Wait!" She interrupted them, then continued. 

"I'm coming with you."

The rest of the group did not have the time to discuss the factors leading to Victoria's sudden change of mind, because every second wasted is a moment closer to Dion's death. 

"Take us away." Briana spoke in a flat tone, masking her worried thoughts. 

Gerard nodded with a serious look in his eyes and emotionless face, then closed his eyes and transported the entire group of eight people to Pennsylvania. 

For what felt like a split second of falling into nothing, their unbalanced feet touched the wooden floor of Sebastian's apartment. 

It took them a few seconds to stable their bodies.

Gerard was the only one who's not affected by the big jump as he does it countless times every day. He let go of Silvia and Roger's hands and started walking around the apartment, taking a good look at the apartment's furniture and walls. 

Soon later everyone joined him. 

They were quiet, feeling confused from how still the apartment felt. Feeling both curious and cautious, they walked around not very far from each other, anticipating a surprise attack from a hunter hiding nearby... 

Lisa was walking in front of Victoria when she suddenly came to a halt, making Victoria bump into her. 

"Hay!" Victoria complained, but her angry frown turned into a blank stare once she saw the horrified look on Lisa's face. 

She turned to her right and tried to find what Lisa's looking at, once she saw what or who it was her heart sank to her stomach. 

"Hayley?" Victoria called out for her, but Hayley's body on the floor was completely motionless. 

Vic's voice drew the attention of the rest of the group, they all walked over to Lisa and her. It took them only a second to notice Hayley lying on the floor with her eyes staring at the ceiling. 

Briana was the first to approach Hayley, she kneeled next to her and tried to revive her body... but the bullet in the middle of Hayley's forehead and her pale skin were enough to stop Briana from trying to save her. 

Hayley's dead... shot straight in the face. 

"Where's Dion?" Lisa cried. 

She started to look around in a hysterical manner, tears fighting their way out of her glassy blue eyes. 

"Calm down, he's fine-" Victoria complained, but Lisa was not having any of her attitude at this moment. 

"How do you know that!" She screamed. 

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